Thursday, January 2, 2014
Keg Drill
Monster walks
Run 400m or Row 500m
30 Jumping Jacks
10 Wall Squats
10 PVC Dislocates
10 Overhead Squats
5 Rounds:
3 Back Squats, heaviest possible
5 Strict Dips + ME kipping dips
Notes: If you cannot perform strict Ring dips then scale to use boxes or a bench and perform as many reps as you can in a hard variation (this should be 15 or less per round otherwise its too easy!). If you can perform 5 perfect strict ring dips, feel free to add weight for the first 5 then drop the weight quickly for the ME kipping.
AMRAP 10 min
4 Pistols (alternating every 2 reps)
4 KBS (53/35)
8 Pistols
12, 12, 12…..
Notes: For HSPU and pistols we are looking for full ROM, scale by using a pike pushup variation or regular pushups. Scale the pistols by using a spotter (band, ghd, pullup post, etc) or performing high box stepups.
Cool Down
50 Abmat situps
Foam Roll Quads
Now that the holiday season is wrapping up and 2013 is behind us, its time to put into effect every improvement and resolution we set forth for 2014. We made it through the holidays, maybe took some extra recovery time and skipped the gym to enjoy family, friends, and company or maybe just decompress and watch a movie. I’m not granted the privilege of time very often these days, especially not enough to sit and watch a movie, so when I had the opportunity to pawn my daughter off on an unsuspecting family member and ‘recover’ on the couch with a dvd, I took it.
This is the End – self-indulgent but funny.
Mud – my mommy says I’m better looking than McConaughey
American Hustle – Well acted but not great
Stay true to yourselves, you made it through the holidays, and now it’s back to the grind!! Post resolutions and movie reviews to comments.