
Tuesday, December 3, 2013


Downdog Calf stretch
Gristle/Groiners/Samson stretch
Super rack w/band


2 minutes skipping rope (singles)
10 Front squats
10 Push jerks
10 Back squat
10 Burpees
2 minutes skipping rope (double unders)


15 minutes to find max weight of 2 Hang Cleans (below the knee) + 1 Jerk

Notes:  For this Hang variation, load the bar down to just below the knee then be patient and pull the bar back to the hips, making contact with the hips and pulling from there. This is a great drill to ensure the hamstrings are loaded prior to pulling. Keep the chest up!


For time:

Row 1k
50 Double-Unders
Row 750m
75 Double-Unders
Row 500m
100 Double-Unders
-20 min time cap-

Notes:  Sub running for DUs if needed.   The distance scheme should be 200, 400, and 800 meters.

Cool down:

50 Weighted Ab mat sit ups
Cobra stretch
Calf stretch


Few workouts make me nervous/anxious/pukey like “Elizabeth”.  Maybe for this reason, it is one of my absolute favs.  Simple and elegant, delivering one of the most potent doses of metabolic conditioning with a side of muscle failure, she wins every time! 🙂

Our testing series will commence under the Friday Night Lights this Friday starting at 4:30pm in MDR and running all night.  Set a true baseline and go for it as prescribed!

Check our Upcoming Events page for all the haps this month!

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