Happy Thanksgiving!

Limited Schedule and Bring a Friend or Family Day!  If you bring anyone, be sure to read the notes below, show up early to sign paperwork and maybe even practice at home in advance:)

Thursday, November 28, 2013


Theraband Work (ER, Shoulder Circles, Step-Aways)
2 Rounds:
50′ Bear Crawl
10 Burpees
5 Push-Ups

Gymnastics Strength

4 Rounds of:
3 Wall climbs + 15 second HS hold (hold after each rep)
5 Sotts Press- Heaviest Possible

 *Member Notes:  For the wall walks feel free to scale the range of motion on the wall climbs to where you feel comfortable, but for the hold we want that full inverted position.  Use a spotter if needed.  For the Sotts press, if you do not have a quality overhead squat position, simply hold a partial squat where you can maintain an upright torso, weight in the heels and quality overhead position.

*Friends and Family Notes:  A spotter will be required for the wall climbs, depending upon strength/ability, we may scale down the number of wall climbs as well.  For the sotts press the weight will be very light, think PVC or 15# barbell max.  This segement will also be used to help setup and teach the shoulder taps and db press for the conditioning segment.


 Member Conditioning

 3 Rounds of:

50 Meter Bear Crawl
40 Double Unders
30 Shoulder Taps
20 V-ups
10 Handstand Pushups

-15 min cap-

 *Sub heavy DB Press for the HSPU as needed.

 Friends and Family Conditioning:

3 rounds of:
50 meter Bear Crawl
20 Double Unders or jump overs
20 Shoulder Taps
20 Tuckups
10 DB Press

-10 min cap-

*Scale this to allow for continual movement.  If you cannot perform double unders, sub jump overs with something that is easy to ‘bound.’  Over and back will equal one rep.  For the DB press, the weight should be light enough that you can do 10 reps in a row…when you are fresh:)

Cool Down

German Stretch, 1 Min
Calf Stretch, 1 Min
Pike Stretch, 1 min
Straddle Stretch, 1 min

Gobble Gobble!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Not much from our end today, but we hope your day is filled with family, friends, football and good food! It’s always interesting going back home and seeing family and friends after a long period of absence. Everyone I know is aware of my participation in CrossFit and the ‘Paleo’ lifestyle. I use this time to be incredibly thankful for CF and try to pass on the inspiration to my family and friends. I can see their curiosity sparkling out of their minds! And as any CrossFitter would, I won’t stop talking about it for the next 20 minutes. I’m sure all of us have experienced this at one time or another. If not, now is your time to instill inspiration in someone you love! It could change their life! 

CrossFit Changed My Life: Patrick James

Thanksgiving: Judgment Day

If you’ve gotten this far stop what you’re doing and do 20 Push-ups and 30 Air Squats. Don’t forget about your Holiday Homework! Get family members involved 🙂

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