
Sunday, November 17, 2013


Trap smash with bar
Samson stretch
20x Scapula Push-ups


5 Rounds or 10 minutes of:
1 Half Star agility drill
30 seconds ME Lateral box jump Push off
5 Depth Jumps

Notes:  For the Half Star, focus on speed and staying low.  The box heights for the other two movements will vary depending upon the individual and skill level. 


800 meter Farmers Carry (50/35 DBs)


50-40-30-20-10 reps of
Double Unders


400 meter Farmers Carry


3 rounds of:
Row 500 meters
15 Deadlifts (135/95)
15 Box Jumps (24/20)


200 meter Farmers Carry


Run 1 mile
-40 min cap-

Notes:  If you cannot perform Double unders yet, perform 3x as many single unders.  Challenge yourself on the farmers carry! 

Cool down:

Roll out legs, calves, and lats!


Today’s post is coming from Matt Walrath.  He’s got a passion for nutrition and a lot to say so this won’t be the last of him!

I have been hearing a great question asked a lot lately. “How much fat should I be eating”. I love this question because people are starting to wake up to the fact that fat will not make you fat, and is an essential nutrient. The problem is the answer is not an easy one. Normally, you hear dietary macronutrient intake recommendations stated as a percentage range. For example, 15-30% protein, 10-25% carbohydrate or 40-60% fat. Unfortunately, the answer is not that easy. To determine how much fat you should eat, you first need to establish how much carbohydrate and protein you need per day. I will be covering the answer to this question in depth on my blog, biohackertoolbox.com, but I will give you the short-form explanation here. Protein Your protein needs are probably not as high as you think they are. Tarnopolsky et. All found that strength athletes on a high protein diet (1g/lb of bodyweight) did not experience more whole body protein synthesis than strength athletes on a moderate protein diet (.63g/lb of bodyweight). The high protein athletes did show signs of nutrient (protein in this case) overload, and the moderate protein athletes did not. This study also found that elite strength athletes have lower protein requirements than novice strength athletes. Lemon et. All studied bodybuilders lifting heavy 6 days/week for 1.5 hrs/day and found that .75g/lb of bodyweight was the optimal intake. So, even if you are doing Outlaw Way and think you need more protinis, you don’t. Now you can save money and stop guzzling down extra grass-fed whey! So, a 165lb male only needs a max of 124g/day (496 calories). A 125lb female only needs 94g/day (376 calories). Carbohydrate During the conditioning part of group class, you are mostly operating in the glycolitic energy pathway. This metabolic pathway relies on stored muscle glycogen to be converted to ATP to supply the energy for muscle contraction. You store about 350g (1400 calories) of glycogen in your muscles, so even if you are a low-carb fanatic, or ketogenic dieter, you still need to eat 350g of carbohydrate per week to replenish these stores. Nair et. All found that fasted glucose production in 165lb males is between 480 and 640 calories per day. So, we can assume that this is the amount of glucose it takes to supply the body’s essential functions. We should eat just this much carbohydrate from glucose rich sources- like safe starches and root vegetables- per day. For ketogenic or low-carb dieters, you should average 50g of carbohydrate per day on average to ensure muscle glycogen replenishment. *Do not forget that you can burn up to 500 calories/hour from exercise. Some athletes might find that they require extra carbohydrate on exceptionally long or difficult training days. Fat To directly answer the question, “how much fat should I be eating per day”, you add up your protein and carbohydrate requirements and subtract it from your daily total calorie goal. Don’t have a daily total calorie goal? Then aim to eat .75g protein/lb of bodyweight + about 150g of carb, and get the rest of your nutrition from fat sources. For a 165lb male, assuming 500 calories from protein, 600 from carbohydrate, and 2500 total calories, you are eating 1400 calories (156g) of fat per day, or 56%. If you are a 125lb female, assuming 375 calories from protein, 600 calories from carbohydrate, and 2000 total calories, you are eating 1025 calories (125g) of fat per day, or 51%. One little nerdy nuance- saturated fats and monunsaturated fats have no known toxicity, whereas polyunsaturated fats (yes, even your beloved omega-3 rich fish oil) have a relatively low toxicity level. So, try to get your fats from high-quality animal sources and fatty plants (coconut, avocado).

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