
Friday, November 1, 2013

Warm Up/Mobility:

400 meter Jog
3 Rounds of:

-30 sec ME Double Unders or Single Unders
-30 sec ME Push Ups
-30 sec ME Squats

Hip Extension with Band
Groiners with Band


30 minutes to Establish a 1RM High Bar Back Squat

Notes:  Once you reach the 80-90% range, take 2 minutes rest then perform a “Walkout” (simply set up like you’re going to squat, walk out of the rack, and hold the weight on your back for 5 seconds – DO NOT attempt to squat – belts are recommended for this movement) with 5-10% more than your projected maximal Squat. If you are projecting 400#, walk out with approximately 425#. After your “Walkout”, rest 2 minutes then begin your near maximal and maximal attempts. If you have not missed an attempt you may go slightly over the time limitation.


10 Minute AMRAP:

5 Deadlifts (275/165)
200 meter RUN

Notes:  Deadlift weight should be heavy, but still be able to perform a couple rounds unbroken.

Cool Down:

3×30 sec Plank Hold
Posterior Chain Floss
Couch Stretch


Strongest back squat in 6 counties 

This month, PCF will be participating in a campaign to raise awareness for men’s health.  Movember is a global charity that has a vision to raise vital funds and awareness to combat prostate and testicular cancer and mental health challenges.

If you are not familiar with Movember, let me explain.  Movember is responsible for the millions of moustaches that you see every November.  In just 30 days it turns weak, timid boys without a Mo‘; into strong, confident, sexy men.  Its quite incredible, I know.   

Movember encourages men to grow a moustache for the 30 days of November.  The first day of the month (today) many of us PCFer’s will start with a clean shave and continue to let our Mo grow for the rest of the month while asking friends and family to donate to their efforts.  By growing a moustache, these “Mo Bros” bring a much needed awareness to men’s health issues by prompting conversations everywhere they go!

Movember’s not just for men. Mo Sistas are an important part of Movember’s success.  Mo Sistas raise funds and encourage the men in their lives to get involved. Essentially, Mo Sistas do everything that Mo Bros do, without a Mo.

At the end of the month, Mo Bros and Mo Sistas celebrate their Movember journey by throwing their own Movember events or attending one of the official Gala Parties held around the world.  In the case of PCF, we will be hosting a ‘Snatches for Staches’ event where we will be performing ‘Isabel’ (30 snatches for time) as a community.

If you have never grown a moustache before, let me tell you, its one of the greatest experiences of my life.  I encourage everyone, even if you do not grow a moustache during the month of November, to get involved.  If you would like to participate and become a ‘Mo Bro’ or ‘Mo Sista’ hit this link HERE.  Let’s get these Mo’s growing! 

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