Come and Celebrate!!!
Swim Night at 7:30– Sign Up Here!
October 24, 2013
Mobility/ Warmup:
2 Rounds:
10 PVC Overhead Squat
10 Situps
10 Supermans
10 Pullups
10 Pushups
Gymnastic Strength:
4 Rounds:
12 Standing Dumbbell Inverted Cross – DEMO
L – Sit – 20 seconds
Notes: Start light with the dumbbell, even using change plates for the inverted cross and work up over 4 sets. Make sure to maintain range of motion and a locked out elbow. Be sure to find an Lsit position that you can maintain
6 Rounds for Quality:
1 Legless Rope Climb
10 Strict Toes to Bars or Knee Raises
Notes: Normal legless or anchored rope climbs may be subbed but the chosen progression should be challenging. The T2B or Knee raises should be controlled both up and down with no swing! Only scale if you have shoulder or grip issues.
Cool Down:
30 Second German Hang
30 Second Overhead Band Distraction
20 Second Bridge or Wheel
The Ladies of WOW
From time to time, it is always good to reflect on where we started from so that we may see our progression throughout the years. Albeit childhood misgivings, college triumphs, and the list goes on and on– much can be said about this reflection covering all aspects of life.
Keeping with this same thought process, Saturday just happens to mark the 4th Year Anniversary celebration since Paradiso Crossfit (PCF) opened its doors.
Just as Crossfit has its benchmark workouts to delineate one’s fitness level, 3 years seems to be the benchmark for which a box will make or break its success. That being said, I guess we’ve got a good thing going. The absolute reason for our success is because of our Paradiso family. You guys come into the box day in and day out with your unbridled dedication to fitness and bring others along to partake in the “Paradiso Kool-aid.
” There is nothing better than sweating it out through some brutal workouts with your family and friends right by your side. This has enabled PCF to expand into a second location, which I’ll tell you not a lot of boxes have the fortune of doing. Though the Paradiso ideals stay resilient and true between each box, there is something so idiosyncratic about each that brings about unique experiences for our members. One of my favorite workouts that sticks out among the rest was “Hidalgo” where members got to run from one box to the other and back.
I think that this Saturday will be another epic day that all “Paradiso-ites” will remember and all the Coaches want you there! It is the official 1st year of Battle of the Boxes— MDR vs. Venice. Think of this as the perfect opportunity to showcase your hard work, to have TONS of fun, and to engage in a lil’ thing I like to call– head-to-head competition. Even if competition is not your favorite flavor, there will be plenty of ‘fun’ events you can partake in or even help out by volunteering.
Bring your family and friends and be a part of this Battle Royale to help celebrate PCF’s 4th Anniversary. See you all there!!!