Train On!!
Friday, September 27, 2013
400 m Run, then:
3 Rounds for Quality of:
– 30 second Flutter Kicks
– 20 Air Squats
– 10 Burpees
Classic Strength:
4 Rounds or 20 minutes for quality:
5 Close Grip Bench Press, heavy as possible
7 Negative Pullups, 5 seconds down
Notes: The BP and PU should be performed back to back with no rest, then rest 60-90 sec between rounds. For the pullups, you should maintain hollow position and show complete control for the entire descent. Use bands or ring row variations as needed, you may jump to the top for each rep.
Advanced Strength:
HBBS: 2X5@65%, 3X5@70% – rest exactly 90 seconds.
Front Squat: 4X5@60% – rest 60 sec.
3 Rounds
20 Box Jumps (30/24/20)
20 Front Rack Back Lunge (135/ 95/65)
20 Hand Release Pushups
-12 Min time cap-
Notes: Sub regular pushups or incline if you cannot maintain a quality midline position on the pushups.
Cool Down:
Hip Extension w/Band, 1 min each leg
30 PVC Dislocates
Calf Stretch
Let’s talk about Rhabdo. If your Facebook feed is anything like mine, it seems there is some major hate going around concerning CrossFit. Outsider’s of our community are trying their hardest to discredit the sport of fitness that we have grown to love and appreciate. Recently there has been an article, HERE, that has been specifically blowing up my FB feed.
What is Rhabdo? “Rhabdomyolysis is a condition in which damaged skeletal tissue breaks down rapidly. Breakdown products of damaged muscle cells are released into the bloodstream; some of these, such as the protein myoglobin, are harmful to the kidneys and may lead to kidney failure.”
Ok, that sounds frightening. Rhabdo is a serious condition that has been well known within the CrossFit community and we as coaches know how to avoid it. If you look online you can find plenty of information and read other fitness experts give their two-cents on the subject. In my experience and things I have heard regarding rhabdo and the CF community is that occurs during two main instances. First, when an advanced athlete either is coming off a period of when they have taken time off due to life circumstances such as work, family, and injury. This happens because this athlete knows they can perform the movements along with the high intensity but their body (muscles) aren’t in the condition to jump back into CrossFit that quickly. What results is extreme muscle soreness and symptoms of rhabdo. The second occurs with new athletes that can perform the movements at Rx but have never done it at such a high intensity nor volume. The results of muscle soreness and rhabdo symptoms are the same or maybe even worse. For both of these situations, it comes down to the responsibility of the coaches and the athlete. The advanced athlete that comes back from a duration of inactivity should know better and the coaches need to be aware of the situation, both parties are to blame. The new athlete should know his or her limits but the coaches should be taking a much larger percentage of the blame if this athlete pushes themselves too far, too fast.
I don’t know what other CrossFit’s are doing with their members and I don’t know how they coach. I can only speak for PCF. It is in my humble opinion that we have the best coaching staff in the area and that we prepare our members to the best of our ability. Our on ramp program has seen great success over the past year and we stress quality movement over anything else. We are trying to grow a business and a community and if we were programming movements and WOD’s that could possibly hurt anyone we wouldn’t be doing our job as coaches. On ramp is not just for the new members either. On ramp gives the coaches an opportunity to learn about our new athletes and gauge the progress and limitations of every new member. We watch everyone and talk after classes about each and every one of you. We know who to push, who to watch, what scales to suggest, etc. We do our jobs as coaches and we are going to take care of you. We want to make a seemingly unstoppable community that changes how people live for the better. Don’t let the outside hate blur your dreams and aspirations. We are a support system for your goals. We want what you want, whatever it may be. Train on!