
Thursday, September 12, 2013

SWIM NIGHT AT 730PM – Sign up NOW  (only 6 spots available!)

Warm up:

Row 500 or Jog 400
Behind the Neck Rack Stretch
5 Front Squats
5 Hang Squat Cleans
5 Push Jerks


20 minutes to establish a 1RM Clean and Jerk

Notes: Remember our progressions and building a good foundation! Front (or partial) squat first, then making contact with the hips from Position 1 into that solid squat position, then position 2 and finally the floor (position 3).

If you PR in any fashion today, be sure to LOG YOUR SCORE!

Classic Conditioning:

5 rounds for total working time of:
6 Burpee Pull ups
Row 300m (all out – no gaming for Burpee Pull ups)
6 Burpee Pull ups

Rest 1:00 after each round.

Notes: Ideally the pullup bar will be 1 foot above reach 

Advanced Conditioning:

5 rounds for total working time of:
3 Muscle-Ups
Row 300m (all out – no gaming for MU)
3 Muscle-Ups

Rest 1:00 after each round.

Cool Down:

German Hang, 30 seconds
Banded Hip Extension, 1 minute per leg

Big Dave.

There are few other things in the training world that contribute to and develop overall athleticism as much as the full Clean and Jerk.  I remember watching the Olympics and hearing the announcers say you need the brute strength of a Power Lifter, the flexibility of a Gymnast, and the explosiveness of a Track athlete, in order to become a great Olympic Lifter.

 I could not agree more.  Also, this process takes time.  Like days, months, and years of practice and heartache.  So go for your PR today but also keep in mind today is one day in your hopefully decades long journey of CrossFit.

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