A Different Reason to Squat….
Friday, August 30, 2013
400 meter Run, then
2 Rounds:
Samson Stretch, 30 sec each side
10 Jumping Squats
10 T-Push ups
Classic Strength:
1a) Front Squat: 7 – 5 – 4 – 3 – 2 (increase weight each set)
1b) Strict Chest to Bar Pull Ups: 5 x ME Sets (newer athletes may sub strict pull ups)
Notes: These are alternating sets of front squats and C2B pull ups. Use a band as needed to allow the chest to make contact with the pull up bar. Every set of the front squats should be challenging but position and depth should be perfect.
Advanced Strength:
1) HBBS: 1X6@65%, 75%, 80%, 80% – this is 4 sets total @ increasing percentages, rest as needed.
2) Front Squat: 1X5@60%, 1X5@65%, 2X5@70% – rest 60 sec.
3 rounds for time:
400 m run
21 Kettlebell Swings (24/16kg)
12 Pull Ups
Notes: Where possible, try not to scale this workout in order to establish a baseline.
Cool Down:
Down dog Calf stretch
10 PVC Dislocates
Wrist Mobility
I recently was given this article and I instantly thought of CrossFit and all the Smolov and Hatch squat cycles we’ve been up to for the past few months. Please take time to read this health focused article, it may save your life…or at least make life a bit more comfortable.
“Health Alert: You’re Taking a Crap Wrong! This is How You Poop Properly”