It’s Go Time!!
Friday, July 26, 2013
Make sure to check the schedule for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday!!! Limited classes and Open Gym’s are available. All evening classes on Friday are canceled. Open gyms only on Saturday and Sunday. Sunday night Yoga is available at 8:00pm.
400 meter Run
10 Push ups
10 Overhead Squats w/PVC
10 PVC Dislocates
10 Sotts Press w/PVC
20 minutes to establish a 1 RM Snatch
Notes: Newer athletes may spend time working from the high hang, above the knee or the ground. Find a position that you can build confidence getting under the bar with.
21-15-9 reps of:
Thrusters (95/65)
Cool Down:
Couch Stretch
T-spine smash w/Foam Roll
Wrist mobility w/band
Today is the day. Our team of McCoy, Suver, Lara, Jesse, Lauren, and Dr. Steve have been working their asses off the past month and its all coming together this weekend.
Hopefully everyone is able to make it out to Carson to cheer the team on but if not, no fear, you can watch it on ESPN 3 and you should also be able to get a live feed off your computer.
Pay attention to emails, the PCF website and facebook for updates on where to find the rest of the “Sea of Blue” that is Paradiso CrossFit during the events. I have a feeling it will be pretty easy to find everyone. A couple notes from Diso below:
EVERYONE CAN AND SHOULD ATTEND! One day tickets are available, but you must post on our FB page or website if you are looking. There are all access Gold tickets for around $50 per day or the Silver for around $25.
WEAR YOUR BLUE! Pick up your shirts from either gym in advance or we will have any leftover sizes at our tent.
We will also be giving out blue handkerchiefs to wave around, but feel free to wear or bring anything else to represent!
TENT CITY! We will have a tent set up all weekend as a kind of home base. We will have a whiteboard with details for where and when you need to meet up to support the team.
VOLUNTEERS and SUPPORT! As one of the few home teams competing, we want to have the biggest and loudest cheering section there! This will not only mean wearing our blue and having a lot of people, but making sure that we lock down and reserve blocks of seats in preparation for our team events. Contact Travis if you would like to help the cause!
REDUCED GYM SCHEDULE! All of our coaches will be attending the Games, but we have recruited some of our members to help out to keep the gym open. There will still be a workout of the day, but the schedule will be reduced and there will not be much coaching available. As a sidenote, there will be places to workout at the Games too.