Getting organized.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013


“Bounce Arounds”, 5 each direction

5 Inchworms w/push up
Fire Hydrants, 10x
10 Lat Activations


7X1 3 Position Clean (Hi-Hang, Hang, Floor) + 1 Jerk – heaviest possible, rest 60-90 seconds

Notes: These do not have to be unbroken if it is difficult for the athlete to maintain good positionsEach set includes 3 cleans and only 1 jerk.

Classic Conditioning

3 Rounds for total reps of:

1 minute ME Push Ups
2 minute AMRAP of:
12 V – Ups
12 DB Push Press 40/25#

Rest 1 minute between rounds

Advanced Conditioning

3 rounds for total reps of:

1 minute ME Deficit HSPU (4/3 inches)
2 minute AMRAP of:
12 Toes to Bar
12 DB Push Press 50/35#

Rest 1 minute between rounds

Notes: For both the advanced and the classic, this is 3 rounds of 3:00 of work with 1:00 rest after each round. There is no break between the Pushups and the AMRAP.

Cool Down:

Row 1k, easy
10 Wall extensions
Pigeon, 2 minutes per side

Sittin pretty.

With all the squatting lately, the question of whether or not to wear a weight belt seems like a timely subject for discussion.  I’ve used one on occasion.  It feels good on some things like back squats and awkward on other things like the snatch. Ultimately, it comes down to personal preference, but there are few things to consider.

While it can lead to increased performance (you can lift more), it can also inhibit motor learning for newer athletes. Many of the best exercises we do require a correct pattern of recruitment of the abdominals (including the obliques and transverse abdominals). With beginners, weight belts circumvent their learning of how to “squeeze” their abs tightly and in the right ways during a heavy lift. The belt just takes over.   Another point worth mentioning is that setting yourself up before you lift anything heavy should involve a sequence of “getting tight” or “getting organized”.  This sequence involves taking a big breath in (you want to fill your lungs and expand your chest) followed by “bracing yourself” as if you were anticipating a punch in the gut at the same time contracting your kegel muscles (your pelvic floor also referred to as “stopping your pee muscles”).  Practice this enough and you won’t have to think about it after a while.  It should be automatic before any lift.

While you should never use a belt in place of proper core work, stabilization, and technical learning, “getting organized” with a belt can increase abdominal pressure. More pressure provides a super stable and safe environment for the spine increasing your ability to lift heavier weights. 

A more in depth analysis can be found here including product reviews.  Stay tight to stay safe! 

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