A Visit From SFH- Stronger Faster Healthier
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Keg Drill
External Rotation w/Theraband
Lateral Walks w/Theraband
Groiners w/Band
5X2 Hi-Hang Snatch – heaviest possible, rest 60 sec.
Notes: Focus on making hip contact and a solid receiving positon overhead. Ideally, this should be done without dropping the bar. If you need to keep the weight light, perform a power snatch, plus an overhead squat to your best possible depth.
Partner Conditioning:
4 rounds each for total working time of:
24 Jumping Lunges
24 Pushups
24 Thrusters 45#
-25 min cap-
Notes: One partner working at a time performs the entire round, then switch. If space permits, scale your pushups to an incline version as needed, to allow for better form and intensity.
Midline/Cool Down:
3×15 GHD Sit Ups
Cobra Stretch
Couch Stretch
Matt from SFH- Stronger Faster Healthier will be visiting both of our PCF locations next Tuesday/Wednesday, June 11-12. Matt hasn’t been able to come in and say hello to our members since we opened PCF-Venice, we’re excited to have him! He will be talking a lot about the products his company provides, which include Protein supplements and fish oil. We carry the products at both of our locations and if you ever had a question or wanted to know a little more about the “Why?” behind recovery shakes and fish oil, now is the time to ask. Matt is extremely knowledgable about nutrition and overall health. I guarantee you will leave the box with a few interesting facts. There will be a brief lecture before each class, followed by a protein/fish oil tasting. He will be visiting both locations next week so make sure you’re there!!
Tuesday, June 11, 2013: VENICE- 5:30am, 6:30am, 7:30am
Wednesday, June 12, 2013: MDR- 5:30pm, 6:30pm, 7:30pm