Memorial Day

Weekly Programming Links:  Group Class, Barbell Club


Monday, May 27, 2013


2 Rounds, 10 reps each:
Calf Raises (each leg)
Good Mornings with Barbell
Side Plank leg raises (each leg)
Front Squats with Barbell

Notes:  The workout will start precisely 15 minutes into class, so show up early if you need extra warmup time!



For time:
Run 2 miles
Rest 2 minutes
20 Squat clean (135/95)
20 Box jump, 24″ box
20 Walking lunge steps with 45lb plate held overhead
20 Box jump, 24″ box
20 Squat clean
Rest 2 minutes
Run 2 miles

If you’ve got a twenty pound vest or body armor, wear it.

Notes:  If you have the physical capabilities to perform the prescribed weight and height of the box jump, do it.  This workout is not just about high intensity or how fast you perform, but about reminding yourself the sacrifices that others have made.

Cool Down:

Walk 400 meters
Downward Dog Calf Stretch, 2×20
Foam Roll everything!



U.S. Army First Lieutenant Daren M. Hidalgo, 24, of Waukesha, Wisconsin, assigned to 3rd Squadron, 2nd Stryker Cavalry Regiment, based in Vilseck, Germany, died on February 20, 2011, in Kandahar province, Afghanistan, from wounds suffered when insurgents attacked his unit with an improvised explosive device. Two weeks prior to his death, he was hit by an earlier improvised explosive device. Despite his injuries, he stayed in country and on patrols rather than return home. He is survived by his father Jorge, mother Andrea, brothers Miles and Jared, and sister Carmen.

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