How to Prep for a Comp

Thursday, May 2, 2013


Olympic Squat on Wall, 2 minutes
Keg Drill, close grip, 2 minutes
Gristle and Groiners

Classic Strength:

7×2 Tempo High Bar Back Squat @75%-rest 60 seconds

     Notes: Focus on position at the bottom, keeping chest up and weight in the heels! Quick descent, 5 seconds in the rock bottom, bounce quick back up.

Advanced Strength:

1X20 High Bar Back Squat

     Notes: This should be a maximal set. The recommendation is to use approximately 70% of 1RM for this first week.

Make sure to hit absolute depth with every rep.

Classic Conditioning:

40 Kettlebell swings
15 Pull-ups
25 Ab mat sit ups
30 Kettlebell swings
15 Pull-ups
25 Ab mat sit ups
20 Kettlebell swings
15 Pull-ups
25 Ab mat sit ups

-15 minute cap 

Advanced Conditioning:

100 Double Unders
25 Pull ups
15 GHD Sit ups
75 Double unders
25 Pull-ups
15 GHD Sit ups
50 Double unders
25 Pull ups
15 GHD Sit ups

-15 minute cap

Cool down:

Down dog calf stretch, 20 reps per 
Cobra, 1 minute cumulative
Wall Extension, 10 reps

Arya, more than a 3 in my book.

The post Open high is on it’s way out, the PCF Team is gearing up for Regionals, and summer is upon us.  In addition to all the crazy fun outdoor stuff that defines our gym, people have also been swept away by competition.  Frogman, Femme Royale, and The Summer Shakedown are just a few things that I know some of our members have signed up for or are planning on signing for.  I have been asked many times over the years about how best to prepare for an athletes’ first competition, and my general two part answer has always been the same:
1.  Dial in your diet.
2.  Attack your weaknesses.
I know many who ask want some mystical, secret key to success for a first comp.  Stop.  You already CrossFit regularly, you already work hard and put out more than most people ever will, you already think about it day and night, and you already withstand the social pressures of your friends and familys’ consternation at this contrarian, cultish lifestyle you’ve chosen.  You deserve to reap the benefits of all your hard work, and that formula is more simple than fancy.

 We’ve a plethora of resources on nutrition, and I’ve already written about the fastest and funnest way to find your weaknesses here.  Here are two more specific to competitions:

3.  Practice the WODs (if you’re lucky enough to receive them before your comp.)
4.  Have fun.
It used to be (can’t believe I just said that) that WODs weren’t released until the day of the competition, and you truly had to be ready for anything.  Now it’s not necessarily like that.  If given the chance, practice the WOD and see how it goes.  Almost 100% of the time, you will surprise yourself on Game Day.  Finally, have fun with it.  Lara told me once, the best way to stay warm and not stress out was to dance before your heat.  
Many people reading this have their own Pre-Comp rituals.  We’d love to hear them.

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