Get busy!
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
20 Prone dislocates
15 Scapula push-ups
Hip extension w/ band
5 minute Vo2 Max:
Notes: In this protocol, kettlebell snatches will be performed on both the right and left sides each minute for 5 minutes. Beginners should aim for 6-7 snatches per side, Advanced 8-9 snatches per side.
Only one switch is permitted, rest the remainder of the minute. Dumbells may used.
Rest as needed, then:
4 x 1 minute rack hold (As heavy as possible holding 2 kettlebells in the front rack position)
-Rest 1 minute between
6 rounds for time:
5 Strict Pull-ups
7 Clapping Push-ups
9 Front Squats (135/95)
-15 minute cap
Notes: Scale weight and perform regular push ups as needed.
Cool down:
Active hang, 30 seconds
Cat stretch, 30 seconds
Pigeon, 1 minute each
This summer is getting busy already beginning with our 2nd Annual Cast Iron Cook Off! If our EIE Challenge proved anything, it’s that some of you have mad skills in the kitchen! What better way to celebrate Cinco de Mayo than with surf, sand and a beach side culinary throw down! Sign up sheets are in the gym and all the official stuff can be found here. Do it now!
Next stop is Regionals! The Turtles are back in the game!
Come on out to cheer our team as they put their hard work to the test against some of the best crossfitters in the sport of fitness!
Start planning now to get down there the weekend of May 17-19th. More details can be found here.
Join us June 15 in the HeyDay 5K to raise money for Life Rolls On, a charity near and dear to PCF. There is no limit to team size and the more the merrier for this amazing cause. More information can be found here (don’t forget to register under team Paradisoites)!
This also happens to be the weekend of our first ever specialty cert….Kettlebells! A weekend packed with iron balls and the smooth, dry humor of kettlebell master Jeff Martone. Not to be missed by anyone looking to expand their fitness repertoire. More information can be found here. Time to get busy people!