Speed golf, anyone?

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


10 Scapula Push-ups (10 each variation)
Monster walks (laterally)
External Rotation w/ band, 10-15 reps


20 minutes or 4 Rounds:
5 Turkish get ups per side
5 Pistols per side
10 Triple Under attempts or 15 Double Under attempts

NOTES: Choose a challenging weight for the Turkish get-ups that you are able to perform 5 unbroken reps with. If you are proficient with the movement you can also try a barbell. If you are still working on pistols, try a few different progressions.

If you are proficient at double unders, attempt triple unders, otherwise use the opportunity to work on your double unders.

Classic Conditioning:

AMRAP 12 minutes:
Run 200m
10 V-ups
5 Push Press (95/65)

Advanced Conditioning:

3 rounds for time of:
Run 400m
20 Toes to Bar
7 Push Jerks (155/105)
-15 min cap

Notes: Maintain a kip on the toes to bar. Even if you can perform toes to bar RX’d as singles, work on stringing them together.

Cool Down:

15 Hip extensions
Plow, 1 minute
15 Back extensions

They got the memo.

While watching the Masters Golf tournament, there was a profile on the Speed Golf World Championships.  I didn’t even know this existed!

  For all you golfers out there that have wondered if Crossfit and golf could ever be combined (maybe that’s just me), this is it!

  I was totally captivated and thought this is something we must do!


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