It takes work to see progress
Saturday, March 23, 2013
EIE Challenge Tip of the Day 27: If you are developing Paleo addictions, double check to see the sugar content. Not all Paleo food is ideal, and make sure you’re not falling into a rut of eating hidden sugars.
Keg drill
Super Rack Stretch
Overhead band distraction
Hip Extension with a band
Posterior chain flossing
Classic Barbell Strength:
7×2 Power Cleans + Push Jerk, heaviest Possible with Perfect form
Classic Conditioning:
*With a running clock…
3 Rounds for time;
Run 200m
15 KB Swings
10 Goblet Squats
10 Hand-release Push-ups
Note: If you finish this effort in less than 12 minutes, rest until the clock reaches 12 minutes. If not, stop the effort and move on at 12 minutes.
2 min ME strict pull-ups
Rest 1 minute
2 min ME Row for Calories
Advanced Strength:
15 minutes to establish a 1RM Clean and Jerk
Advanced Conditioning:
*With a running Clock
3 Rounds for time
50 Double unders
25 Wall-Balls
10/7 Muscle-ups
Note: If you finish this effort in less than 12 minutes, rest until the clock reaches 12 minutes. If you do not complete this effort in the allotted time, stop, and continue.
2 min ME Rope Climbs
1 minute Rest
2 min ME Calorie Row
Cool Down:
Calf stretch
Active hang
10 Wall Extensions
Making it happen!
One of the most impressive things I have noticed during the Open is the way people suddenly do the seemingly unachievable. Many of you PR’d your Snatch by about 20ibs. Many of you suddenly learned how to do bounding box jumps. And, importantly, I saw many of you do your first muscle-up the day before you performed the Open workout.
Why is it, that across years of crossfitting, that you wait until right now to get that first Muscle-up? Obviously part of it is prerequisite strength. However, I’d say it has something to do with the need to perform and invest time and energy. Muscle-ups were not prescribed on Thursday, yet many of you took the initiative to come in and work on it. You believed in yourselves, for really no reason but the drive to do better. Why don’t you believe in yourselves more often? If you want something, do what it takes to make it happen.
Muscle-ups, double-unders, snatches, toes-to-bar… these are all skills that you cannot simply perform because you want to. They take work and effort. We still have two Open workouts to go. I highly recommend that you come in on Thursday and address the skills you will need in order to perform the WOD on friday. Obviously I don’t want you to over-do it, but you should be thinking about being efficient with those high skill movements.
Really focussing on a skill goes such a long way. Again, we had multiple first time muscle-ups after one day of dedicated practice. Think about your weaknesses, and don’t wait till it comes up in the open. Simply come into Open gym, ask the coach for help, and start actively making it happen.