Reconsider it….
Saturday 3/9/12
EIE Challenge Tip of the Day 13: Use something visual to track your daily success. For example a calendar on your fridge or above your desk at work. Follow a few principles every day, and on successful days colour the calendar day one color, and every time you break a principle, make a marking in another colour. Having that visual will help motivate you to succeed in maintaining those principles.
Overhead band distraction
Posterior chain flossing
Assisted bottom of the squat
Roll out as needed
Classic Programming
3-3-2-2-1-1 – Heavy but not maximal. Rest 90 seconds.
Notes: For the sets of 3 and 2 stay under tension for the whole set and “touch and go: the reps. For the singles, this is not a true 1RM deadlift but the weight should increase each set.
9 Dumbbell Thrusters (Heavy)
18 KBS 32/24kg
9 Wall Walks
9 DB Thrusters
18 KBS 32/24kg
9 Wall Walks
9 DB Thrusters
18 KBS 32/24kg
– 10 minute cap-
Advanced Programming
Top Pull Deadlifts: 2X3 @ 75%, 2X2 @ 80%, 3X1 @ 95% – rest 60 sec. after sets @ 75/80%, rest 2 minutes after singles @ 95%
For time:
9 KB Thrusters 24/16kg
9 Knees to Elbows
Row 500m
18 KB Thrusters 24/16kg
18 K2E
Row 500m
9 KB Thrusters 24/16kg
9 K2E
-10 minute cap-
Notes: Make sure the Knees to Elbows are kept to a good standard.
Cool Down:
Active hang
Olympic wall squat
10 wall extensions
Couch Stretch
Just have fun with it!!!!
I know that most of you who participated in Friday night lights are thinking about every second across those 17min… what could I have done differently? Having your score show up on a leaderboard, and watching it slowly creep down… it’s frustrating. Needless to say, I understand the temptation to redo the workout. And you have till Sunday afternoon to redo it. But I ask of you, please, talk to a coach about it first and really ask yourself why you are doing it.
These workouts will take a toll on your body. The combination of burpees and snatches will absolutely fry your posterior chain and fatigue your shoulders. Injury is real, and the reality is, its not worth it. If you were sick when performing it at first, and it clearly was not a true demonstration of your performance abilities, then sure do it again. If you are an athlete on the cusp of going to regionals, and every rep could determine whether you make it or not, then yeah, you may want to redo it. But in the grand scheme of things, what does it really matter if you place 857th or 798 thanks to a couple extra reps. Chances are, you are trying to satisfy your ego. You want to show that you can do more than you did, but why does that matter?
Most workouts during the open will be relatively wrecking. So i suggest you go into each workout giving it your all, and then recover for the next one. One week of overdosing may affect the rest of the weeks. And to be honest, last year I wanted to redo every workout because I did better on the second time every time. Until the end that is. On the second workout I tweaked my shoulder. By the end I had three tears in my shoulder and every workout was compromised due to overdoing it the week before. So be wise, and ask your coach!