Challenges to come
Monday, February 4, 2013
Weekly Programming Links: Group Class, BBG, Gymnastics
Foam Roll Legs and Lats
Keg Drill
Assisted Bottom of the Squat
Group Warmup:
10 Overhead Squats with Barbell
50ft Bear Crawl
3 Position Snatch practice
Barbell Gymnastics:
15 minutes to establish a heavy 3 position Snatch (high to low)
Notes: Prioritize good receiving position and making contact with the hip in each of the three positions. Power snatch with overhead squat may be performed if necessary.
Classic Conditioning:
15 minute AMRAP:
50 Shoulder Taps
50 Squats
50ft Bear Crawl
Advanced Conditioning:
5 rounds for time of:
Handstand walk, 25 yards
50 Squats
-20 minute cap-
Cool Down:
Jog 400 meters
Foam Roll Legs and Lats
2 x 10 Wall Extensions
Weekend Warrior Congratulations to…
-Lara, Suver, Joe D and McCoy for placing 6th out of 65 teams at the Winter Shakedown Competition this past Saturday, including a 1st place finish in one of the workouts!
-Lindsay, Alexandra C, Josh K and Sean D for stepping up with less than 48hr notice to participate in the Winter Shakedown! This was the first competition for Lindsay, Alex and Josh…and I’ll bet not the last!
-Estelle and Sherwin for running the Surf City marathon this Sunday. This was Estelle’s 21st marathon!
This is something I have been talking about for months now…Home Mobility Kits! Your fitness does not begin and end with your time at the gym. Taking a few minutes each day to mobilize and maintain your body is an important part of training and something everyone should know how to do. These tools can be both expensive and hard to find, so we will be building and ordering a bunch for you to purchase and use at home!
The basics will include: foam roller, lacrosse ball (single), lacrosse ball peanut, assistance band (or two) and a voodoo floss band. In the video, I note a few other things which are equally important: a bar to hang from and attach assistance bands, epsom salt (for recovery baths) and a pumice stone. For the pullup bar, I recommend using something that has screw in brackets for safety (this is the one I use), as opposed to the more popular removable style. If you don’t want to put up a pullup bar in your house, you can try hanging rings from something like a tree or rafter in your garage. As I’m writing this, I just realized I forgot one of the most important tools I have at home…my broomstick and camera! Using the broomstick (which symbolizes a barbell with no weight) to assume different positions can be an excellent test and tool for improving and teaching your body how to perform certain movements. This was crucial in the re-construction of my overhead squat a few months ago and something I used regularly during the rehab of my hip dislocation. Spending time in proper position, incrementally improving positions and videoing yourself to see what is really occurring is such a simple and effective tool!
Of course, having these tools and actually using them is a whole different story! Over the coming weeks, we plan on creating either a FB group or perhaps developing a text message group for sending out different homework or workwork (yeah, I just made that up) assignments for staying mobilized and supple during your time away from the box.