Sunday Pancakes!
Sunday, January, 20, 2012
10 PVC dislocates
10 Overhead Squats, pause at bottom
Super rack w/band
Groiner w/ band
Ankle mobility w/ band
Group Warm-up:
To be performed with bar or PVC:
5 reps of the following:
Hang power snatch (high)
Hang power snatch (at the knee)
Overhead Squat
Hang snatch (knee)
Barbell Gymnastics:
3 attempts to establish a 1RM Snatch.
Notes: Ideally the athlete works up to a heavy (above 90%) lift. Once the athlete misses a weight, he/she gets two more attempts at the lift. Three strikes you’re out. Newer athletes should work up to weight that is challenging and missing is likely.
Learning to miss heavier lifts is key to progressing safely. Newer athletes prioritize good position and work from the hang if needed.
Conditioning (same for Classic and Advanced):
3 Rounds:
10 Strict Pull Ups
10 Power Snatches (135/95/65#)
10 Bar Facing Burpees
– 12 minute cap –
Cool down/Midline:
1a) 3X Max Effort L-Sit Holds – rest 45 sec.
1b) 3X 10 Good Mornings – heavier than last time, rest 45 sec
Roll out lats, calves, quads
Below is a recipe that you can use maple syrup or not! Adapted from “Practical Paleo.”
As Always, Enjoy! ~Jess