10 Mile Saturday Run Club Home Stretch LA Marathon Course
1/19/13, Saturday, 7:30am. Totem Pole at Ocean Avenue and Adelaide Drive (map). Email frank@paradisocrossfit.com if you have any questions.
RSVP below so we know to wait for you!
10 Miles (The last 5 miles of the LA Marathon course, out and back)
We will start at the totem pole and run east on San Vicente all the way to the turnaround at the Veterans Hospital in Brentwood. This is mile 21 of the La Marathon. We will turn around here and run back to Ocean and California, the finish line of the LA Marathon. Please reference the course map for the exact route we will be running.
All abilities welcome! As a group we will be running at a 9-10 min mile pace, but there is no pressure to stick with the group, feel free to go faster or slower. At any point in the run you can turn around and scale the length down to whatever distance you are comfortable with.
This is a training run for the LA Marathon.