Merry Christmas!!
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
400 meter Jog
Keg Drill
PVC Dislocates
Super Rack
Olympic Wall Squat
Every 20 seconds for 4 minutes (13 total reps):
1 Power Snatch @ 75% (of max sntach any style)
Every 20 seconds for 4 minutes (13 total reps):
1 Power Clean @ 75% (of max clean any style)
Notes: Classic Programming will work up to a moderate weight that good technique can be maintained and perform same rep scheme.
Classic Conditioning:
5 rounds for total working time of:
Run 200 meters
10 Pull-ups
15 Abmat sit-ups
Rest 1 minute between rounds.
Advanced Conditioning:
3 rounds for total working time of:
Run 400 meters
20 Pull-ups
30 Ab-mat sit-ups
Rest 2 minutes between rounds.
Cool Down:
Calf Stretch
Cobra Stretch
Foam Roll Posterior Chain
Doin’ Work!!
Merry Christmas to the entire PCF family! I can’t wait to get back and start the new year with everyone.
It’s going to be an amazing 2013!!