What if?

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Practice Double-unders, 5 minutes
10 Good Mornings w/ bar
10 Squats w/bar
Hip mobility: incorporate with your Back squat warm-up sets
Gristle, Groiners, Posterior Flossing, Hip Mob w/ band

Spend 20 minutes and establish a new 1RM High Bar Back Squat

Notes:  If you did this last week instead of the percentage work, do last weeks rep scheme or go for it again!  Remember, future percentage work will be based off this!

3 rounds for time of:
10 Deadlifts (275/185)
50 Double unders
10 minute time cap!

*Conditioning Bias: may substitute 200 meter run for DU’s.

Rest no more than 10 minutes, then-
3x Max Unbroken Pull-ups, rest as needed
Set is terminated when you come off the bar.  Any grip may be used.

Cool down:
Calf stretch, 1 minute
Seated Pike,  1 minute
Quad on wall, 1 minute

Rack em, stack em!

What if you started this young….

Enjoy this little bit of inspiration!   I love how pumped up this little guy gets!  Don’t forget the Legendary Competitor Meet this Saturday the 17th!  Click HERE for the deets.

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