In Omnia Paratus

Friday, October 19, 2012

Hip Prep
Pick 2 of the following, 1 min per side or 2 min total for each:
Hip Extension with Band
Ankle Mobility
Posterior Chain Flossing with Band
Assisted Bottom of the Squat

High Bar Back Squat 3-3-3 @85% 1RM, rest 2 min between

5 Rounds for time:
5 Thrusters, 135/95
10 Pullups
-7 min cap-

Cool Down:
Pigeon, 1 min per side
Calf stretch, 1 min per side
Quad on the wall, 1 min per side
Cat on box, 1 min 


This weekend five of your coaches (Diso, Martina, G, Lara, and Suver) will be heading to Palms Springs to take part in the Outlaw Training Camp.  For the past six months our gym has been experimenting with programming inspired by Outlaw Crossfit and its owner, Rudy Nielsen.  Even though he is focused on creating a CrossFit Games champion, his methodologies and programming needs relate to everyone.  Last months PR board showcased the results of this new approach, and now your coaches have the opportunity to delve even deeper into the intricacies of this methodology and explore better ways to implement it in our gym.

Today’s workout reminded me of a point Rudy makes about the role of met-cons in the Outlaw Doctrine, the manifesto of his training principles:

“Let me also add, when it comes to the straight work capacity development part of this program, there will never be a more appropriate tool than the metcon. These will be the bread and butter of the operation as we move further and further into the season. I dare you to show me something worse (in a good way) than “Fran,” “Helen,” or any other evil couplet/triplet that is just the right amount of work to not give you an excuse to stop but makes you question why the fuck you’ve done this to yourself. I am not and will not EVER try to reinvent the metcon wheel. It is impossible to do. A 5- 10-minute metcon designed well enough to not create any need for the athlete to rest is the most beautiful thing in the training world. I am merely trying to build athletes who will be prepared to move swiftly and with economy during whatever combination HQ throws into that 10-minute beauty. … ” 

I know you all love Murph, but you won’t see it here. In fact, if you see anything over 12 minutes, I screwed up. Why?

As I’ve heard Coach say a million times – “All positive adaptations come through intensity”. Intensity is incredibly hard to maintain past 8 minutes, much less out past 12. Also, and this is even more important to me, anything past 12 minutes tends to lend itself to a fuckload of reps. A fuckload of reps means one thing – you get sore and your body breaks down (I guess that’s 2 things, and you’re all coaches – you don’t need me to break down the science). When you start to break down, we stop making positive gains and start to lose the strength gains we’ve already made. Not to mention, general muscular fatigue/soreness detracts from your ability to perform high level movements, and that is a great deal of what the program is based upon. I monitor the amount of reps (in met-cons… heavy – light – accessory – push – pull) we perform every week very closely and use many of the same charts that Louie Simmons has used for years, which are the same charts that some of the greatest European S&C coaches in history developed.

This, in my opinion, is possibly the most important piece of this whole equation. I actually got away from this in getting Becky and Brandon ready for last years Games and I think they suffered because of it. Brandon set me straight on this after the Games, and after the numbers we’ve seen in the last few months, he was absolutely right in doing so. The point is; you’re all really fucking fit already. You don’t need to get monkey stomped every day to become a better CrossFit competitor, but you do need to be good at going ALL OUT for moderate to short efforts while maintaining the highest possible level of efficiency.”

Enjoy today’s “beauty” and reap the benefits of this evil couplet.  The reps are low enough to not give you an excuse to stop, so go heavy and keep the intensity high!

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