A bowl of awesome!
Sunday, October 7, 2012
Spend 1-2 minutes per side:
Wrist mobility w/ band
Shoulder distraction w/band
2 rounds:
30 second handstand hold
10 lunges w/ dumbbells
5 split press w/ dumbbells
5 Pendlay rows w/ bar, light load
3 Rounds, 60 second rest between movements:
5 Pendlay Rows, Heavy as possible – DEMO VIDEO
5 DB Split Press, Heavy as possible
Three rounds for time of:
100 meter Walking lunge
Handstand walk 20 meters
50 Kettlebell swings, 35/26#
Notes: If you cannot perform a handstand walk, substitute 40 shoulder taps.
Cool down:
Jog 100 meters forward, 100 meters backward
Pigeon, 1 minute each
Active bar hang, 30 seconds
During the nutrition talks the other week I noticed that a lot of you were very interested in Brian’s Bowls but weren’t quite sure where do get the details. Well, look no further… I’m going to give you the 4-1-1 on this awesome service.
– 100% Grain & Gluten-Free
– 99% Soy, Dairy, Sugar-Free (exceptions always noted)
– All Natural, No Preservatives.
– We never use any vegetable oils. Period.
– Mary’s Organic Free-Range Chicken
– Antibiotic & Hormone-Free, Free Range Beef and Pork
– Organic Produce (when available)
– Meals start at $8.99.
– Discounts available for new clients and bulk orders (see FAQs)
Paradiso does a lot to provide us with fresh produce every week and this service is a great addition to that. (Especially for those who don’t have as much time to cook for every meal) We understand that work schedules can be hectic and food preparation is sometimes overwhelming. So, for those moments when you are forced to choose between “eating out” for lunch or starving, Brian’s Bowls is a great solution. It’s really a fantastic idea and in my opinion, a huge step towards helping people with their nutritional struggles.
Show some love for Brian and Devika in the comments section if you love these bowls as much as I do. 🙂