So Far

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Keg drill, 2 minutes
Bottom of Overhead squat, 30 seconds

Every 30 seconds for 7 minutes, perform

1 Power Snatch + 1 Hang Squat Snatch at %70 of your Power Snatch 1RM

Notes:  Use a weight that you are comfortable performing.  We want this to be a technically sound throughout!  This will be 14 sets with only 15 to 20 seconds rest.  For those that struggle with the full squat snatch or a good depth overhead squat, perform 1 Power Snatch + Overhead Squat.

Another Team WOD!

4 rounds each, for total working time of:
7 Bench Press at %65 of your 1RM
Row 500 meters

Notes:  Rest while your partner is performing their round.  You do not have to use the same wight as your partner.  You will have time to change the weight while your partner rows.

Midline Strength/Cool down:
3 attempts for Max L-Sit, 60 seconds rest between


The new 201!

It’s been nearly a week since we had a full day dedicated to helping you guys make better choices with your nutrition.  It has been a while since a 201 has been run, and our new one had a slightly different flavor than the previous sessions.  Diso collected the favored meals of the entire PCF staff, gave you tips on how to drink with your friends, and stressed the relationship of what/how you eat to your health and performance in the gym.  One thing we’ve reiterated over the years is that people generally have 5 to 6 things they LOVE to eat, and they eat those 5 to 6 things ALL.  THE.  TIME. 

Those 5 to 6 things are different for everyone, and they are different pre-CrossFit and post-CrossFit.  Before CrossFit, mine were Tri-Tip in Stubbs beef marinade, Kraft Mac n cheese, grilled green onions, and Moose Tracks ice cream.  After CrossFit, I prioritize a Protein/Carb/Fat balance via Zone portions, and using primarily Paleo food choices.  Most of my choices involve:

Protein – Tri tip, ground beef, skirt steak, lamb, goat, fish
Carb- kale, broccoli, strawberries
Fat – Coconut oil, Avocado, Almonds

Here are a few pics of what almost all of my meals look like when I cook at home. 


Healthy Home Cooked Paleo Meal
Grass fed ground beef, bacon, broccoli, avocado.  Broccoli marinated in coconut oil, ground beef browned in bacon grease, topped with garlic salt and cajun seasoning.

Healthy Home Cooked Paleo Meal
Grass fed ground beef, Brians Thai Rubdown, Kale, strawberries, avocado.  Kale marinated in the ground beef.

Healthy Home Cooked Paleo Meal

Grass fed skirt steak, broccoli, Sahale snacks Soledad almonds, avocado.  Broccoli marinated in coconut oil.

It’s worth backing up something Diso said during his 201.  Every time I prep and cook my meals, I fucking love them every time I eat them!  They are so palatable and mouth-watering to me.  I love eating them, and am sad when it’s done.  On a now subconscious level, I also know I’ve done everything possible to increase my fitness from the absolute foundational and basic of our methods:  nutrition. 

We would love to hear what you guys have switched to, if at all, since our 201.  And what your experiences have been.  Post to comments.

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