Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Click HERE for the week’s programming!
2 rounds:
Jog 200 meters
Rack mobility, 30 seconds each
Bottom of front squat, 30 seconds
EMOTM for 7 minutes:
2x 1 1/4 Front Squats at 75% of 1 RM (DEMO VIDEO)
5 rounds for total reps:
90 second AMRAP of:
10 Over the Box Jumps (no top touch) 20/14 in.
10 KBS 32/24kg
5 Over the Box Jumps (no top touch) 20/14 in.
5 Thrusters 115/75#
Rest 1:00 after each round.
Notes: The Box Jumps can be forward or lateral jumps.
Sub plates, parallettes, med balls, etc for boxes as needed. Scale the Kettlebells and Thrusters so that you can do at least the first round unbroken.
Cool down:
10 Wall extensions
Samson stretch, 30 seconds each
Calf stretch, 30 seconds each
Labor day traditionally marks the end of summer. As we collectively mourn the long hot days and carefree nights filled with outdoor concerts and bbq’s….
wait a second, we live in LA! This is the end of NOTHING! We will continue to ensure you have plenty of options to test your fitness while maintaining the social aspects you’ve all grown accustomed to:) Kicking off the “other season”, we have the Mammoth mountain biking trip happening this weekend. If you want to get in on this, sign up today!