For the record…

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Double Under Practice for 2-3 minutes
Shoulder Prep Pushup Variations
Shoulder Prep Lat Activations

Gymnastic Warm up
20 minutes for quality:
ME Handstand Hold, (ideally free space) 5 attempts
5 Pause Pull ups
10 Second L-Sit or Ring Support

Notes:  If they are comfortable in free space, have a friend time them.  If comfortable in free space but cannot hold inversion for long, have friend gently spot and time.  Pause pull ups are 3 full second hold at the top.

Workout of the Day:
12 Minute AMRAP
50 Double unders
7 Burpees

Notes:  Add seven burpees per round. 7 burpees first round, 14 burpees second round, 21 burpees third round, etc.

Cool Down
Tabata Hollow Hold
Roll Out Legs, 2 minutes each minimum




Some of you guys may have noticed a new link on the left side of the blog for  I know a small contingent of our members use this site every day but the vast majority of our members have no idea what this is or never record their workouts. I am writing to advocate the benefits of gathering your data in general and selling you on the $3 dollar/month price of doing it in digital format. As our programming progresses and we use involved percentages and movements, it can become difficult to remember every max effort lift and time for each workout. For the past two years I have used beyondthewhiteboard to record nearly every day of my CrossFit career, giving me a huge amount of data for times, weights, and most importantly- progress. I can login in to my account and see that I have input four different “Annie” attempts in the past year and I have cut my time by over four minutes. I can also see that my worldwide rank for my best “Annie” time places me 3210th of 23,332 posts and I am 4th at Paradiso among members who also input their data on the site. (I do the sit-ups unanchored by the way.)

My goal of this post is to say that I have not found a better way to record and track your “Athletic Data”. The fact that this data is comparable to other gym members and a large online community is just another way of seeing where your at, how far you have come, and how far you can go.  If you end up joining the site, find Paradiso CrossFit and ask to become a member. I can approve your request and I input the day’s programming in a calendar format so you can find the workouts easily and record your time, weight, reps, or any other pertinent information. You can also get creative and build your own workout if you did something outside of the gym.

I did not mean to make this post so long but I swear by recording my data in this way and I think that more people should. It will also be fun to have more gym members on the site inputting data and moving up and down the ranks for each workout and movement, no matter who you are.

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