Why Squat?

Saturday, August 11th, 2012

Warm up/Mobility:
3 Position Snatch – High to Low, with PVC Pipe.

20 minutes to establish 1RM Snatch

5 Cleans (full squat) 225/150
20 Ring Dips
50′ HS Walk
4 Cleans (full squat) 225/150
15 Ring Dips
40′ HS Walk
3 Cleans (full squat) 225/150#
10 Ring Dips
30′ HS Walk

20 minute time cap

Cool down:
German Hang, 1 minute
Samson Stretch, 30 seconds per side
Work on the Tan!

Can you name the different squats?

Lara recently dedicated an article on Squatting to me called Six Reasons Everyone Should Do Squats, by Charles Poliquin.  It’s very funny, illuminating, reinforcing, and basic in it’s message.  Without regurgitating the article, here are the 6 reasons:

1.  Do Squats to Run Faster.

2.  Do Squats for better Mobility and Less Pain.

3.  Do Deep Squats to increase Vertical Jump.

4.  Do Front Squats to Train for Sports.

5.  Do Squats for Better, Stronger Abs.

6.  Start Doing Squats at a Young Age for Better Health and Performance – Squats are Safe for Everyone!

Here is the kicker:  We all know there are MORE THAN SIX REASONS TO DO SQUATS.  Most of you reading this post will have already done hundreds of different kinds of squats over cumulative months and years of CrossFit.  I should like to solicit your reasons on why you should do them.  Also note, I am including all kinds of squats on the list.  Not just the Back Squat, but the Overhead Squat, Front Squat, Air Squat, Goblet Squat, Belt Squat, etc.  I will start:

1.  Back Squat to increase full body Strength, Power, and Vitality.

2.  Overhead Squat to increase athletic prowess, diagnose flexibility faults, and look cool.

3.  Front Squat to balance your Back Squat, and get a monster squat clean (and look cool.)

Your turn!


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