Surprise Yourself

Monday, July 23, 2012

Thanks for the 128 surveys currently submitted!  Please fill them out before Wednesday and contact us if you did not receive the link!

Click HERE for the weeks programming.

Row 500 meters
Keg Drill, 2 minutes
Rack Mobility, 1 minute each
Ankle Mobility, 1 minute each

4 sets of 3 Heaving Snatch Balances – DEMO VIDEO

Notes:  Focus on speed under the bar, and a solid, deep landing position.  Be sure to practice lowering the bar to your back from overhead before the weight gets heavy.


“Power” Elizabeth
21-15-9 reps for time of
Power Cleans (135/95)

-8 minute time cap-

Notes:  This workout is meant to be fast!  Scale the dips to straight bar dips or use a band to increase intensity!  If you performed Elizabeth last week, feel free to try it again with power cleans to compare or perform “Fran”.

Cool Down:
Tabata Hollow Hold
Cobra Stretch, 15 seconds
3 Position Wall Extensions, 30 seconds each
Plow, 2 minutes

Above is Busse, Rachel, Steve S, Adam (13) and Jay in the first heat of our SUP-WOD:  200m Sand Sprint, 21 Sand Burpees, 200m SUP, 200m Sand Sprint, 21 Bench Jumps, 200m SUP, 200m Sand Sprint, 21 Jungle Gym Pullups, 200m SUP, Chug a Cider Beer (optional).  Congrats to Sara J with the top time of 15:00!


What a great weekend event!  We had 37 people participate in the Stand Up Paddleboard WOD, including a bunch of first timers and a great crowd!  Big thanks to Krista, who supplied the boards, helped instruct and motivate people all day.  If you missed the event and are interested in learning how to SUP, check out her company’s website HERE.

These events always get me fired up and underscore what we are trying to do!  Getting fit is not just about looking good, but about using our body to gain new experiences and enrich our lives!  It is always great to be reminded about how our experiences in the gym affect the rest of our life.  When we have to pick up that big Paddleboard and carry it to shore, learning to use the hips instead of the arms to paddle, and running through the sand, we have all types of references to our training that make the experience more engaging.  These moments outside the gym should be an integral part of your fitness and lifestyle.

  Our training is designed to develop a general athleticism and it is important that we test ourselves often!

  So maybe Stand Up Paddleboarding is not be your cup of tea, I know that everyone has their bucket list of things they want to try.  Whether it is running with the Bulls in Pamplona, climbing Mt Everest or racing a Formula 1 race car, these moments reinforce why we train!  Hope to see you at the Malibu Trail Race of Death this weekend!

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