Summer Salad!
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Jog 400 meters
Ankle mob w/ band, 1 minute each
Samson stretch, 30 seconds
10 Wall sqauts
3-3-3-3-3 Back squat at 90% of 3 Rep Max, DO THE MATH!
(for lesser experienced athletes, just try and go heavier than last week)
Run 800 meters
100 Kettlebell snatches (24/16kg)
(50 each arm, any of combo of reps to get there)
-13 minute cutoff
Cool down:
100 Abmat sit ups
50 Hip extensions
(break up as needed)
Beat the summertime heat with this cold and crisp summer salad recipe. I know most of you are used to coating your salads with olive oil… but try switching things up and use some homemade mayonnaise. Mayo makes any veggie dish hearty, creamy and delicious!
Cucumber Tomato Summer Salad
- 1 medium cucumber, diced
- 2 medium tomatoes, diced
- 1 small bunch of cilantro, chopped
- 1 tbsp mayonnaise (make your own with this recipe here)
- 1 small handful raisins (optional)
The How-To
Mix all ingredients in a bowl and serve. It doesn’t get any easier than this!