CF Endurance Games

Friday, July 13, 2012

CrossFit Games weekend!   Check it out live on ESPN3 or try to pick up tickets on Craigslist!

Row 500 meters
Hip Mobility on Box, 2 minutes
10 Wall Extensions

8 Rounds of:
2 Deadlifts with Bands
5 Strict Press with Dumbbells, as heavy as possible
Rest 60 seconds

Notes:  Put around 65% of your 1 rep max on the bar for the deadlifts.  The reps do not need to be touch and go, focus on pulling the bar with speed!  View the band set up in the image below.

15 minute AMMAP with a partner (as many meters as possible:)

Notes: One partner will start by rowing all out for 20 seconds, then you will have 10 seconds to switch partners and the next person will row for 20 seconds before switching back to the first person. Repeat this process for 15 minutes for total meters.

Cool Down:
100 Abmat Situps
Hip Mobility on Box, 2 minutes each


The Crossfit Games [officially begins] resumes today at the Home Depot Center!  And after event 1 from this year’s and last year’s games, one thing is clear; you must develop the first of the 10 general physical skills if you want to be a competitive Crossfit athlete, Cardiovascular/Respiratory Endurance!  The ridiculous 13.25 triathlon course was a perfect way to put people on their toes and test this first skill.  People have already called the Crossfit Games one giant endurance event, and you can see why; first place finisher for the men, Chad Mackay, took 1 hour and 57 minutes to complete the course, while the first place finisher for the women, Julie Foucher, took 2 hours and 5 minutes.  And that was just the first of two events…on the first day…of a now four day event!  Are you kidding me?!  I can’t wait to witness the first live event of the competition tonight!

Who are you rooting for to win the grand prize this year at the games?  I’ll have to join Zeb, who, rumor has it, recently converted to triathlonism, and root for the crowd favorite Jason Khalipa.  Post if you’re attending the games today, predictions, viewing party info, and general Crossfit nerdiness, to comments.


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