The Wish List

Thursday, July 12th, 2012

Shoulder Prep as needed

Gymnastics Warm up:
10 Minutes for 3 to 5 rounds of
5 Handstand Attempts
5 Kipping Pull ups attempts (if you have kipping pull ups, try butterfly)
10 Seconds Tuck L-Sit on Rings or Ring Support

10 Minutes to Practice Muscle ups on High Rings:

Notes:  For athletes who can do kipping muscle ups, try strict muscle ups with full turnout or non-false grip.  For those who cannot, try using a band or spotter.  Another version of the assistance band is to perform a negative:  Jump to the top and try to lower yourself through the same range of motion.

10 Rounds for total time and reps of:
Max unbroken Push ups or Muscle ups
100 meter sprint
Rest 60 seconds

Cool Down:
Active Bar Hang, 30 Seconds
Cat Stretch on Box, 30 Seconds



If you’ve been following us lately, especially for Tuesday’s leg destroyer, this will be a welcome change up on skills and drills.  Gymnasts have no peer in upper body strength, core control, and flexibility.  We want to give you some of that.  Plus, who doesn’t want to work on Muscle Ups?


We’ve all heard by now the devastating surprise to all the CrossFit Games Competitors that went down yesterday.  It’s a nasty Sprint-style Triathlon with elevation and a fixed speed bike, followed by The Camp Pendleton Infantry Obstacle Course.  This is the first time in CFGames history that a full extra day of Competition has been added, that a bracketed heat system has been utilized, and also the first time a full rest day has been added (today.)   Each year, the Games Competitors are leaner, meaner, badder, faster, stronger, and more powerful than the previous year, and simultaneously the Events and Workouts and Tests are getting more and more ridiculous and unprecedented.  I’ve heard hundreds of things people want to see in the Games, and I myself have stated years on end that we will not see GHD sit ups at the Games (’09), Rope Climbs (’10), Swimming (’11).  I’ve been proved wrong every year, and now I’m not surprised at anything.  It would have been nice for a Sprint Triathlon, and even an obstacle course, but I didn’t expect them to actually do it.  I’m predicting in several years, the CFGames Venue might change to a Coachella Level event, with Crazy Trail Run/Obstacle Courses, mixed with heavy Olympic Lifting, mixed with Gymnastic Ring Routines, and operating at great heights off the ground. 

Let’s hear what you would like to see at the CF Games, now and in the future!


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