Holy Front Squats!
Saturday, June 2nd, 2012
Wrist mobility 30 seconds
Rack mobility of choice, 1 minute per arm
Hip mobility with band, 1 minute per leg
Warm up:
Take 15 minutes to find your 3 rep max Squat Clean
These are not touch and go reps. Reset before each one.
WOD (20 minute cap):
3 Rounds for time
30 Front squats, 115/75 lbs
15 Toes to Bar
15 Lateral Box Jumps 20″
Cool down:
Samson Stretch, 30 seconds each
Calves on Wall, 30 seconds each
Foam roll legs, to your hearts content
Go to the beach.
Yeah Nick! Great hip and knee position, get those elbows up.
The Squat Clean is a premier exercise. There is a deadlift element, an explosive jump and shrug, coordinated into a heavy squatting element. You need to have the powerlifter’s brute strength, the track sprinter’s explosiveness, and the gymnasts’ flexibility.
Performing them heavy will also prep you for what’s to follow, which is …
Holy front squats? Bet your ass. The better your front squat ability and engagement, the better off you’ll be in this WOD. A lot of us chose 3 rounds to make the time cutoff, and without exception when we engaged our back and shoulders to get into the rack position, engaged our butt and adductors and quads, the squats came easier. Get after it.
And don’t forget to go to the beach for your cool down!