Winter Shakedown

The Shakedown Team Competition Series Consists of 2 events, the Winter and Summer Shakedowns. The Shakedown Series is hosted by CrossFit FAST of Westlake Village and programming is done by The FAST Strength & Conditioning coaches, Mike & Daniel Tromello. 

Forty-Four CrossFit teams consisting of FOUR athletes (2 men, 2 women) will showcase why Southern California is the most hardcore CrossFit region in the world. This is the biggest CrossFit team competition on the planet! Affiliates and sponsors may have more than one team represent their organization. Athletes will compete in three games level team workouts.  WOD’s will be challenging, intense, but most importantly fun. The top 3 finishing teams will earn a podium spot along with the coveted Shakedown trophy & over $3,000 in prizes.

Here are 15 movements that your team should be able to perform but not all of these movements will necessarily be utilized in the event programming.

– Burpee
– Clean & Jerk
– Dumbbell Movements
– Dead Lift
– Double-Under
– Kettle Bell Swing/Snatch
– Muscle Up
– Pull Up
– Ring Dip
– Rope Climb
– Rowing
– Running
– Snatch
– Toes To Bar
– Wall Ball
* If you are unable to perform the more complex gymnastic movements like muscle ups and rope climbs, scaling permitted
** Any team that does not complete all movements as RX’d, will not qualify to make the podium
*** This is a competitive event but we want all teams to participate and have FUN!

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