How’s it going to start?
Thursday, November 23, 2011
Classic Warm up:
Overhead Squat x 10
GHD Sit ups x 10
GHD Hip Extensions x 10
Pull ups x 10
Push ups x 10
Rest as needed
Snatch Balance 1-1-1-1-1-1-1
Cool Down with Tabata Handstand Hold
The Thanksgiving Day schedule is 8am, 9am, 10am, and 11am.
CrossFit Nerd, candidate.
In the Olympic Lifts, your clean is easy if you Front Squat heavy.
In the snatch, if your snatch balance is heavy your snatch will be so much easier and efficient; you should ideally have a snatch balance heavier than your actual snatch. Also, the mental aggression, speed, and coordination it takes to land a heavy snatch balance is a boon to your overall athleticism and confidence. Your speed is such that your elbows should lock out at the same time your feet meet the ground, and your shoulders and core active to a point such that you can lock out with heavy load in support overhead with no unnecessary movements.
It’s the day we’ve been waiting for. How’s your Thanksgiving going so far? Have you succumbed to family food temptations?
Converted any of your family to Paleo – Zone? Started any spirited debates? Broken any traditions? We all know Diso’s story about how his family is looking at Thanksgiving food. My family already knows about my choices (and knows my weakness with desserts.) The thing myself and others have noticed that the longer you’re good with your food choices, the easier it is to maintain those choices, and the better life feels both inside and outside the gym.
I’m on that roll now and look forward to seeing how things go with the family this year. Please post snatch balance loads, stories, and adventures to comments.