Puhlayo Market Sign Up and CrossFit 101

Now’s the time! Please write in below if you want to be signed up for the Puhlayo Market for this Thursday! If its your first time, we offer a mostly local/ seasonal produce selection that is all Paleo friendly (meaning lots of good fruits and veggies).

If you would like to be on our regular list and receive the order each week automatically, let me know that as well.

Full order $25 Half order $13.

If you or anyone you know wants to learn more about CrossFit, the next 101 class is this Saturday! We will cover the foundations of CrossFit programming and what you can expect from Paradiso CrossFit specifically. We will introduce the squat, press and deadlift as foundational movements and incorporate them into a short workout at the end of the class, so come ready to do some work!

The class is from 11am to 12:30pm this Saturday.

  There is no charge.  Feel free to show up or let us know you’re coming.  Either way, hope to see you there for a stimulating mind and body experience!


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