Paradiso CrossFit WOD Blog
Active Hang
Work on that active shoulder position. Feel free to vary the width and grip of the hands. Get strong in that position!
Primarily used for the shoulder girdle, we want to avoid hyperextension of the back, so use the progressions as needed!
Pigeon stretch with explanation
Get at those glutes! You can perform this stretch almost anywhere! Keep the back flat and focus on those tight spots. You can bias the movement left and right by
To stretch the Psoas, that small muscle that runs from the top of the femur through the pelvis and attaches to the lumbar spine. We don’t want this muscle to
Hammy Stretches with PVC
This classic problem area must be addressed! We use a PVC in this variation because it helps people maintain a straight back. Focus on turning the hips over and keeping
Calf Stretch
Often overlooked stretch, keep these bad boys loose and pliable and find yourself squatting and running like a gazelle!
Wrist Stretches and Mobility
We use our hands and wrists almost every day in the gym and it is to mobilize and warm them up as well! If you have sensitive wrists or an
Classic Cool Down and PNF
The classic cool down was designed to address some of the common faults and dysfunctionas we see in our athletes, primarily shoulder mobility and a tight posterior chain. This
Five rounds for time: 7 Front squat (185/135#) 10 Burpee pull-ups Diso shows off his rack. I was chatting up someone the other day about food. Like many of
Classic Crossfit Moves | Quad Stretch Against The Wall Technique
Description A great stretch for those big movers, the Quads! There are a few variations without the wall for those with ankle flexibility problems. Enjoy!