Paradiso CrossFit WOD Blog

New Movement Challenge: Hang Out for 7 Minutes

Swim Night! 730pm- Culver City Plunge Thursday August 14, 2014 Prehab GHD or Pike Situps 10 Wall Extensions Fire Hydrants Warm Up Run 400m 10 Bulgarian Split Squats ea. leg

Talk about it!

Wednesday, August 13, 2014 EIE Office Hours with Diso at Venice from 6:30-8pm PreHab 15 Wall Extensions 15 Pike Sit Ups Bottom of Squat, 1 minute Warm Up 3 Rounds:

Bar Complex

Tuesday, August 12 Reminder to get your meat orders in by Friday!  Click HERE for how this works! Prehab Theraband Routine :30 sec Handstand Hold Gristle/Groiners Warm up 200m Run,

The Magic of Thinking Big

Monday, August 11, 2014 Weekly Programming Links:  Group Class, Venice Barbell Club, Paradiso Gymnastics Prehab Fire Hydrants Bird Dogs Keg Drill Bar Hang, 1 min Warmup With empty barbell or light dumbells: 10

Week of 8/11/14

Monday – Snatch/Squat 1) Every 2 minutes or 20 minutes (10 sets): 3 Snatches –  Build over 10 sets. 2) Back Squat: 3 x 8 @ 80% – rest EXACTLY 2:30


Sunday, August 10, 2014 Prehab: Wrist mobility Scapula Push ups Groiners/Gristle Lat activations Cool down: Pigeon Calf stretch Straddle Warm up: Jog 200 meters 10 T-push ups :30 second Handstand

How To Prevent and Recover From Shin Splints

Saturday, August 9, 2014 Beach WOD- 11:30 am! Prehab: Hip Circles x10 clockwise/counter clockwise Fire Hydrants x15 Side Plank with side kicks x15 Downward Dog 5×10 seconds Warm up: 400m

Learn the Kipping Pullup

Friday, August 8 Prehab: Overhead Band Distraction, 30 sec each 10 PVC Dislocates 10 Lat Activations 10 Leg Swings 10 Single Leg Calf Raises Warmup: 5 Inchworms Lat Activations, use

Advice for Long-Term Success, and Recovery Tips for Advanced Athletes

Swim Night! 730pm- Culver City Plunge Thursday August 7, 2014 Prehab Bird Dogs x 10 ea. side Foam Roll Thoracic Spine (bottom to top of shoulder blades) Keg Drill Warm

More testing!

Wednesday, August 6, 2014 PreHab Couch Stretch, 1 minute each Bottom of Squat, 1 minute Plank, 2 minutes Warm Up Doubled Unders, 100 reps or 2 minutes 2 Rounds: 10