Paradiso CrossFit WOD Blog
Emulate the Best!
Thursday December 18, 2014 Prehab Bird Dogs Plank :15 on/:05 off Wrist Mobilization Warm Up Handstand Progression Learn & Practice Power Snatches Cool Down Cobra Stretch Foam Roll Hip Flexors
Wednesday, December 17, 2014 PreHab Seated Leg Raises, Straddle/Pike Calf Raises, 10 each side Plank, 1 minute Warm Up Run 200m 10 Pike Sit Ups 10 T Push Ups 10
Tuesday, December 16, 2014 Prehab 20 Bird Dogs 5 Knees to Feet Theraband External Rotations Warm Up 20 Mtn Climbers 1 min right side Plank w/ 10 leg raises 1
How to get good at the Snatch
Monday, December 15, 2014 Weekly Programming Links: Group Class, Barbell Club Attend VBC or Gymnastics tonight at 8pm at Venice! Prehab PVC Dislocates x 15 reps Keg Drill x 60
December 14, 2014 Prehab: Posterior Chain flossing Gristle/Groiners Lat activations Warm-up: Row or Run 400 meters 5 Strict Pull ups or 10 Ring Rows 10 Burpees 15 Sit ups 20
Whats in a Double Under?
Don’t forget to tune in to watch McCoy LIVE at the American Open! He is in group 94A and should be on around 3:30 pst. Click HERE! Saturday, December
Friday, December 12, 2014 Prehab: Reverse Snow Angels, 10 reps, Slow Active Hang, 30 sec Banded Super Rack, 30 sec Warmup: 2 Rounds: 8 T- Pushups 10 Strict Shoulder Press
The Muscle Up Deconstructed
Swim night at 7:30pm at Culver City Plunge. All levels welcome! Thursday, December 11 Prehab Bird Dogs Wrist Mobilization Foam Roll Thoracic Spine (upper back) and lats (your “wings”) Warm
Legends of VBC
Wednesday, December 10, 2014 PreHab Theraband Routine Wrist Mobility Rack Mobility Warm Up Run 400m 2 Rounds: 10 Push Ups 10 Toes to Bar 10 Grasshoppers Split up into Fitness