Paradiso CrossFit WOD Blog


Friday December 26, 2014 Bring your friends and family day!  Be sure to have them fill out a waiver and reserve their spot in class in advance HERE! Prehab: Overhead

PCF Holiday Hike!

We are heading out on *Christmas Day* to Echo Cliffs area in the Santa Monica Mountains to hike Mishe Mokwa Trail. Join us!  We will be meeting at the Venice

PCF Holiday Hike

Merry Christmas!  Sorry we are Closed today! Thursday, December 25, 2014 Join us as we head out to the Echo Cliffs area in the Santa Monica Mountains to hike Mishe

Christmas Eve Eve

Wednesday, December 24, 2015 Bring your friends and family day!  Be sure to have them fill out a waiver and reserve their spot in class in advance HERE!  PreHab T

Squat and Row

Tuesday, December 23, 2014 Prehab Gristle and Groiners x 60 seconds each Down Dog Calf Stretch x 20 reps each Foam Roll Legs x 2 minutes each Sampson Stretch x

Week of 12/22/2015 (Deload/Christmas)

There will be VBC on Monday and Tuesday night. The gym will be open until the middle of the day on Wednesday, closed Thursday, and open until 11 on Friday.

Announcing PCF University

Monday, December 22, 2014 Weekly Programming Links:  Group Class, Venice Barbell Prehab Ankle and Wrist Mobility x 60 sec each Cat Stretch x 60 sec Accumulate 1 minute hanging on


Sunday, December 21, 2014 Prehab: Ankle mobility Samson stretch 15-20 Scapula Push ups Warm up: Jog 200 meters 2x: 10 Goblet Squats 10 KBS 10 Russian Twist (l/r=1) 6 T-Push

PCF Holiday Bowl!

Saturday, December 20, 2014 Prehab: Keg Drill 2-3 min Wall Squats 2×10 Prone Snow Angels x20 Warm up: 2 min Jump Rope (Singles, doubles, triples) -then 2 rounds- With one


Friday December 19, 2014 Prehab: Wrist and Calves Mobility/ Stretches Tricep Mash Foam Roll IT Band and Quads Warmup: 5 Plank to Down Dog (Pause in each position) 10 Pushups