Paradiso CrossFit WOD Blog
Happy Valentines Day!
Saturday, February 14, 2015 Self Defense Class with Causey at 11am-1pm – $25 for non members Prehab: Monster walks, 10 each direction 10 Banded squats 20 Prone PVC Dislocates Downdog
Friday the 13th
Friday, February 13, 2015 Prehab: 10-15 PVC Dislocates 15 PVC Good Mornings 10 Scapula Push ups Tricep mash, 1 minute per Side plank hold, 30 seconds each Samson stretch, 30
February 12
Thursday, February 12, 2015 Nutrition and Prehab PCFU classes tonight at Venice. Prehab: Wrist mobility Gristle/Groiners, 2 minutes 15-20 Scapula Push ups Lat activations, 5x each position Theraband external rotation,
February 11
Wednesday, February 11, 2015 PCFU Gymnastics Class at Venice tonight at 8pm! Prehab: Posterior chain flossing, 30 seconds per side 30 seconds Bar taps 5 Inchworms Samson stretch, 30 seconds
February 10
Tuesday, February 10, 2015 Prehab: Monster walks, 10 each direction 10 Banded squats Super rack stretch, 30 seconds each 20 Reverse Snow angels Warm-up: Jog 400 meters 10 Squats 10
Leaderboard Monday!
Monday, February 9, 2015 Prehab: Keg drill, 2 minutes PVC Dislocates, 15-20 reps Lat activations (vary grip, 10 reps each) 10 Wall extensions Samson stretch, 30 seconds each Warm-up: 2
February 8
Sunday, February 8, 2015 Prehab: Samson/Gristle/Groiner stretch Super rack stretch Downdog calf stretch Warm-up: 2 minutes skipping rope/double under practice 10 Jumping squats 10 Tuck ups 10 Push ups :30
February 7
Saturday, February 7, 2015 Prehab: Monster walks Banded squats Ankle mobility Warm-up: 20 Mountain Climbers 15 Sit ups 10 Burpees 5 Back squats (bar) Cool down: Calf stretch Pike stretch
February 6
Friday, February 6, 2015 Get ready for some “Benchmark testing” again in the coming weeks! Prehab: Theraband routine Super rack stretch Banded squats, 10-20 reps Warm-up: 2 minutes single unders/Double