Paradiso CrossFit WOD Blog

Happy Valentines Day!

Saturday, February 14, 2015 Self Defense Class with Causey at 11am-1pm – $25 for non members Prehab: Monster walks, 10 each direction 10 Banded squats 20 Prone PVC Dislocates Downdog

Friday the 13th

Friday, February 13, 2015 Prehab: 10-15 PVC Dislocates 15 PVC Good Mornings 10 Scapula Push ups Tricep mash, 1 minute per Side plank hold, 30 seconds each Samson stretch, 30

February 12

Thursday, February 12, 2015 Nutrition and Prehab PCFU classes tonight at Venice. Prehab: Wrist mobility Gristle/Groiners, 2 minutes 15-20 Scapula Push ups Lat activations, 5x each position Theraband external rotation,

February 11

Wednesday, February 11, 2015 PCFU Gymnastics Class at Venice tonight at 8pm! Prehab: Posterior chain flossing, 30 seconds per side 30 seconds Bar taps 5 Inchworms Samson stretch, 30 seconds

February 10

Tuesday, February 10, 2015 Prehab: Monster walks, 10 each direction 10 Banded squats Super rack stretch, 30 seconds each 20 Reverse Snow angels Warm-up: Jog 400 meters 10 Squats 10

Week of 2/9/15

Week 6. We have just under four weeks until the Chikara meet. This week with be the final sessions of triples across all movements and in most cases you be

Leaderboard Monday!

Monday, February 9, 2015 Prehab: Keg drill, 2 minutes PVC Dislocates, 15-20 reps Lat activations (vary grip, 10 reps each) 10 Wall extensions Samson stretch, 30 seconds each Warm-up: 2

February 8

Sunday, February 8, 2015 Prehab: Samson/Gristle/Groiner stretch Super rack stretch Downdog calf stretch Warm-up: 2 minutes skipping rope/double under practice 10 Jumping squats 10 Tuck ups 10 Push ups :30

February 7

Saturday, February 7, 2015 Prehab: Monster walks Banded squats Ankle mobility Warm-up: 20 Mountain Climbers 15 Sit ups 10 Burpees 5 Back squats (bar) Cool down: Calf stretch Pike stretch

February 6

Friday, February 6, 2015 Get ready for some “Benchmark testing” again in the coming weeks! Prehab: Theraband routine Super rack stretch Banded squats, 10-20 reps Warm-up: 2 minutes single unders/Double