Paradiso CrossFit WOD Blog

The Finale, 15.5!

Friday, March 27, 2015 Friday Night Lights concludes tonight starting at 430 pm in MDR!  Afterparty at Dave and Busters to follow….all evening classes cancelled. Prehab: Fire Hydrants, 10 each

March 26

Thursday, March 26, 2015 Next Friday is our first ever Women’s Only Workout and Wine night.  This will be a free workout for all friends and family at Venice from

March 25

Wednesday, March 25, 2015 The last Friday Night Lights is this Friday!  Afterwards we will be heading to Dave and Busters in Westchester for some fun and games. Prehab/Warm-up: Jog

Progenex Day at PCFV

Keymon from Progenex will be hanging out all day at the Venice box, talking about Progenex product line. Come by to sample away and ask questions! 🙂  

March 24

Tuesday, March 24, 2015 PCFU Classes start in 1 week!  Nutrition, Gymnastics, Olympic Lifting, Running, or Mobility.  Email us to reserve your spot now! Prehab: Wrist and ankle mobility, 2-3

Week of 3/23/15

Monday – Snatch/Squat 1)  3 Position Snatch (high hang, hang, floor): 3 sets 70%, 3 sets @ 75% 2) Hatch Cycle Week 2, Day 1 3a) Glute Ham Raise: 3 x

March 23

Monday, March 23, 2015 Second week of our 8 week cycle!  Since we learned a bunch of stuff last week, this week will look pretty similar, but I promise it

March 22

Sunday, March 22, 2015 Prehab: Gristle/Groiners, 2 minutes Reverse plank hold, 30 seconds Super rack stretch, 1 minute each Samson stretch, 30 seconds each Downdog ankle stretch, 20x Warm-up: Run

March 21

Saturday, March 21, 2015 Prehab: Super rack stretch, 1 minute each Bottom of squat, 2 minutes Leg swings, 10 each direction Lat activations, 10x 10 T-push ups 10 Arch rocks


Friday, March 20, 2015 Friday Night Lights starts at 4:30 pm in MDR!  All evening classes are cancelled. Prehab: Super rack stretch, 1 minute each Theraband routine Wrist mobilty, 1