Paradiso CrossFit WOD Blog

April 10

Dustin and DP getting ready for some work!  (photo credit Pat Sheridan) Friday, April 10 Prehab Gristle/Groiner stretches, 30 seconds each Foam roll Lats Downdog ankle stretch, 20x 15 Scapula

April 9

Last day to sign up for the Free Rock Climbing lesson at Rockreation this Sunday!  This is for all levels and attendance includes a free week membership at the climbing

April 8

Free Rock Climbing lesson at Rockreation this Sunday. Limited to 50 people.  You must reserve your space in advance! Paradiso Nike women! Wednesday, April 8 Prehab/Warmup Jog 200 meters Monster

April 7

Free Rock Climbing lesson at Rockreation this Sunday. Limited to 50 people.  You must reserve your space in advance! LG and Ashton livin’ it up.  (photo credit Patrick Sheridan) Tuesday,

WEEK OF 4/6/15-4/12/15

I want to say I am very excited to be the Venice Barbell head coach.  I look forward to helping all of you achieve your goals and dreams.  Don’t hesitate

April 5

Sunday, April 5, 2015 Prehab: Gristle/Groiners, 1 minute each Downdog ankle stretch, 20x 10 Wall extensions 15 Scapula Push ups Cat/Cow stretch, 10x Leg swings, 10 each direction Warm-up: 1

Paradiso CrossFit University – Oly Lifting

This class is highly recommended if you want to improve your understanding of the Olympic lifts, become a better overall athlete and improve your performance in the sport of CrossFit.

Paradiso CrossFit University – Running

No matter if you love it or hate it…you were born to run!  Take away how fast or far you can run and focus on improving your mechanics first.  Learning

Ladies only Workout and Wine Night at PCF Venice!

Time to treat the Ladies! 🙂 Join us for a night of girly bonding and vino, hosted by the amazing Lindsay Sudell and Alexandra Causey!  Bring your girlfriends, sweat together

April 4

Saturday, April 4, 2015 Free Rock Climbing lesson at Rockreation, Sunday, April 12 from 6-8pm.  Free for members and limited to 50 people.  You must reserve your space in advance!