Paradiso CrossFit WOD Blog

April 17

Friday, April 17, 2015 Be sure to get your tickets for Regionals on May 22-24 in del Mar! Prehab: Overhead band distraction, 30 seconds each Samson stretch, 30 seconds each

April 16

Thursday, April 16, 2015 Reserve your spot for the Joshua Tree Rock Climbing and Camping trip on May 8 Prehab: Ankle mobility, 30 seconds each 10 PVC Dislocates German stretch,

April 15

Wednesday, April 15, 2015 Be sure to get your tickets for Regionals on May 22-24 in del Mar Prehab/Warm up: Jog 200 meters Monster Walks x 10 steps each direction

April 14

Tuesday, April 14, 2015 Reserve your spot for the Joshua Tree Rock Climbing and Camping trip on May 8 Prehab: Wrist and ankle mobility, 2-3 minutes Monster walks, 10 each

Rock Climbing Night at Rockreation

It’s time for another PCF Rock Climbing Gym Adventure! 🙂 Our friends at Rockreation set up an amazing treat for PCF members –  😆 FOR FREE 😆 ! AND we will

April 13

Monday, April 13, 2015 Fifth week of our 8 week cycle!  We are testing “Grace” and “Filthy Fifty” this week! Prehab: Posterior chain flossing, 1 minute each Super rack stretch,


WEEK OF 4/13/15-4/19/15

  Monday –4/13 1)  Snatch- 5×3 80% 2) Snatch Pull with 3 sec. pause at shin off platform- 3×5 80% 3) Hatch Squat Cycle Week 5 Day 1 4) Hyperextension with 3 sec. pause- 3×10

April 12

Sunday, April 12 Ryan Iwamoto moving 185 no problem (photo credit Pat Sheridan)   Prehab Gristle/Groiners, 1 minute each Downdog ankle stretch, 20x 10 Wall extensions 15 Scapula Push ups Cat/Cow

April 11

Saturday, April 11 Bonnie!  (photo credit Pat Sheridan) Prehab Monster walks, 10 each direction 10 Banded squats Tricep smash, 30 second each 15-20 Reverse Snow Angels Downdog ankle stretch, 20x