Paradiso CrossFit WOD Blog

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Join barbell coach Josh Squyres this Saturday 10/10 for an Olympic Lifting seminar that will include a lecture and discussion on various training styles, and a practical element where you

Foundational Movements | How To Improve Burpees

Description Diso breaks down the burpee, one of the most classic CrossFit moves, and shows an efficient and effective technique to becoming a burpee master.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Join barbell coach Josh Squyres this Saturday 10/10 for an Olympic Lifting seminar that will include a lecture and discussion on various training styles, and a practical element where you

Monday, October 5, 2015

Join barbell coach Josh Squyres this Saturday 10/10 for an Olympic Lifting seminar that will include a lecture and discussion on various training styles, and a practical element where you


Our weightlifting seminar is October 10th, taught by Josh Squyres. Cost is $100 and $50 for current VBC members. Go to: to reserve your spot now or email us

WEEK OF 10/4-10/10

Monday –10/5 1) High Hang Snatch 70% 3×3 2) Snatch 85% 5×2 3) Snatch Pull (3 Second Pause off Platform) 85%3×3 4) Snatch Pull 105-110% 3×3 Tuesday – 10/6 1) Back Squat 85% 6×5

Sunday, October 5, 2015

  Morning classes are canceled at both gyms, we will have classes at 5 & 6pm at Venice only. We all had a blast at the World Championships and Anniversary

PCF 6 Year Anniversary Party

Come celebrate 6 years of community, health and fitness! This event will be hosted at the Brakeman Brewery in Culver City after the PCF World Championships.  There will be complimentary

PCF World Championships at Muscle Beach

This is quite simply one of the best days of the year for PCF.  Join us for a celebration of our community with a friendly competition between the members of

Saturday, October 3, 2015

  GYM IS CLOSED today and morning classes tomorrow are canceled. Come down between 11-4pm and play with us at Venice Muscle Beach. We have skills tests, tug of war,