Paradiso CrossFit WOD Blog

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Bring a Friend & Family Wednesday-Friday and check our updated schedule on wodify! Pumpkin Spice RX bars will be available for a limited time! Prehab Groiners Shoulder Ext. Rotation Hip

Monday, November 23, 2015

Bring a Friend & Family Wednesday-Friday and check our updated schedule on wodify! Click Here to read Martina’s blog post “Pregnancy Test” Prehab Groiners Ankle Mobility Hip bridges x 10

Happy Thanksgiving!

Have a happy Thanksgiving!  

WEEK OF 11/22-11/28

Monday –11/23 1) Back Squat 5×7 70-75% 2) Back Squat with 3 sec. Pause in Bottom 3×3 50-60% 3) Power Clean w/ Power Jerk 85% x1, 80% 2×2 4) Hyper extension 3×10

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Check wodify for an updated holiday schedule. We will also have bring a friend & family workouts Nov. 24-26! Prehab Keg Drill Groiners Ankle Mobility Shoulder Ext. Rotations Monster walks

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Check wodify for an updated holiday schedule. We will also have bring a friend & family workouts Nov. 24-26! Prehab Keg Drill Groiners Ankle Mobility Shoulder Ext. Rotations Monster walks

Pregnancy Test

Performing 30 clean and jerks on our daughter’s birthday! I love to experiment with my fitness and prove to myself that I would not only stand a chance, but prevail in

Friday, November 20, 2015

Check wodify for an updated holiday schedule. We will also have bring a friend & family workouts Nov. 24-26! Ashton nailing a jerk PR! Prehab Keg Drill PVC Dislocates Groiners

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Check wodify for an updated holiday schedule. We will also have bring a friend & family workouts Nov. 24-26! Double Unders are a skill that some athletes take years to

Take a look at yourself

Last post we began a conversation about how we can achieve long term success in Health and Fitness.  We stated that the first big step is to view yourself as an