Paradiso CrossFit WOD Blog

Pregnancy Test

Performing 30 clean and jerks on our daughter’s birthday! I love to experiment with my fitness and prove to myself that I would not only stand a chance, but prevail in

Friday, November 20, 2015

Check wodify for an updated holiday schedule. We will also have bring a friend & family workouts Nov. 24-26! Ashton nailing a jerk PR! Prehab Keg Drill PVC Dislocates Groiners

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Check wodify for an updated holiday schedule. We will also have bring a friend & family workouts Nov. 24-26! Double Unders are a skill that some athletes take years to

Take a look at yourself

Last post we began a conversation about how we can achieve long term success in Health and Fitness.  We stated that the first big step is to view yourself as an

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Check wodify for an updated holiday schedule. We will also have bring a friend & family workouts Nov. 24-26!   Throwback! Acro was a blast last week. If you liked

Tuesday, November 16, 2015

Check wodify for an updated holiday schedule. We will also have bring a friend & family workouts Nov. 24-26! Ben fighting to stand up from his clean! Prehab Lat Activations

Monday, November 16, 2015

Check wodify for an updated holiday schedule. We will also have bring a friend & family workouts Nov. 24-26!   VBC ladies crushed it at the Holiday Classic on Saturday! Prehab


 Thanks to everybody who made the VBC Holiday classic a success!  The athletes and the volunteers all did a superb job!    We plan on having more competitions at Paradiso-bigger and

WEEK OF 11/15/15-11/21/15

Monday –11/16 1) Hang Power Snatch From Shin (3 second descent) 5×5 70-75% 2) Snatch Deadlift off Platform x10 75-80% (% of snatch) 3) Drop Snatch 5×3  70-80% (% of snatch) 4) Behind

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Thank you to everybody who came out, supported, participated, and volunteered at the Venice Barbell Club Holiday Classic! Coach LG Thunder is putting her twist on the programming for the