
The planche is a difficult hand balancing position. Progress here is measured in months, not days! Master the bent arm progression, focusing on wrist strength and balance before you move

Front Lever

This is another fundamental gymnastic movement. You can perform this on the rings or a bar. Use an overhand grip (palms away from you) at shoulder width to get more

Frogman Challenge

Lara, Zeb and Brandon participated in the first ever CrossFit competition to include water challenges.

Midnight Marathon

Kevin, Lara and I decided to run our own 26.2 mile path at sunset. We began in Pacific Palisades and finished in Palos Verdes area. This is our story.

Hip Prep

Below are links to the individual parts of Hip Prep. These can be used together as a series or individually as needed.  Be sure to Test and Retest with some