Friday, February 2nd 2018
21-15-9 Thrusters! 100 DU 75 OH Plate walking lunges 50 HSPU 75 OH Plate walking lunges 100 DU
Thursday, February 1st 2018
Run 1 Mile 100 Sit-Ups 80 DB Hang Power Cleans 60 Chest to Bar 40 DB Push Press Row 2K
Wednesday, January 31st 2018
Spend 15 minutes finding a 3RM Back Squat 30 minute EMOM: Min 1: Burpees + Thrusters Min 2: Plank Min 3: Double Unders
Tuesday, January 30th 2018
Every 90 seconds for 15 minutes: 3 Position Snatch PARADISO CROSSFIT DEATH BY- Workout 1: Pull-Ups, KB Swings Rest 1 minute between 1 and 2 Workout 2: Power
Monday, January 29th 2018
20 mins to complete 3-4 rounds for quality 5 headstand press to plank 20 sec back to wall handstand hold- lean through shoulders, not by arching back 5 wall facing
Sunday, January 28th 2018
Complete as many rounds as possible in 45 minutes of: Row 500 meters 25 Chest to Bar Run 400 meters 25 Hang DB Power Cleans 100 Double Unders 25 DB
Saturday, January 27th 2018
Front Squat Partner Conditioning: 100 Burpees to a target While one partner works the other partner holds a sandbag overhead then- 1 mile run with your sandbag switching off
Friday, January 26th 2018
21-15-9 Deadlifts “JT” 21-15-9 HSPU Ring Dips Push Ups
Thursday, January 25th 2018
4 Rounds 4X25 Bowtie sit-ups 4X10 Good Mornings AHAP 4X20 alternating Lunge steps with a plate overhead 20 minute amrap: 400 Meter Run 3 Rope Climbs 20 Cals on the
Wednesday, January 24th, 2018
Spend 15 minutes finding a 3RM Push Press 30 minute EMOM: Min 1: Cals Row Min 2: Toes to Bar Min 3: Double Unders