Monday, September 4th 2017
“Paradiso Labors” 5 Rounds For Time 30 Kettlebell Swings 30 Walking Lunges 400m Run 30 Burpees 30 Goblet Squats
Sunday, September 3rd 2017
45 minute AMRAP: Ascending Rounds 1 Push-Up 1 Kettlebell Swing 1 Box Jump 1 Calorie on the Rower 2,2,2,3,3,3, and so on
Saturday, September 2nd 2017
20 minutes: Bench 5X5 up, work to a heavy set of five With A Partner, 4 Rounds each, alternate rounds 5/3 Muscle Ups (Bar or Ring) 10 Power Snatches
Friday, September 1st 2017
Every 4 minutes for 24 minutes, building: 4 Deadlifts, 4 Power Cleans, 4 Front Squats, 4 Jerks “Annie” 50-40-30-20-10 Double Unders Sit-Ups
Thursday, August 31st 2017
For Time: Row 1500m 10 Burpee Box Jumps 1 Rope Climbs Row 1000m 15 Burpee Box Jumps 2 Rope Climbs Row 500m 20 Burpee Box Jumps 3 Rope Climbs Row
Wednesday, August 30th 2017
20 minutes Back Squat, Every 2 minutes, on the minute: 1X10@60%, 1×8@65%, 1X8@70%, 1X8@75% At minute 10 switch to Front Squats and follow the same timing starting at minute 12:
Tuesday, August 29th 2017
“JT” 21-15-9 Handstand Push-Ups Ring Dips Push-Ups Every Four minutes for 20 minutes: Acc 45 Second L-Sit on Parallettes 100 meter Farmers Carry AHAP
Monday, August 28th 2017
20 minutes Back Squat, Every 2 minutes, on the minute: 1X10@60%, 1×8@70%, 1X6@75%, 1X4@ 80% At minute 10 switch to Front Squats and follow the same timing starting at minute
Sunday, August 27th 2017
“Kelly” Five rounds for time of: Run 400 meters 30 Box jumps 30 Wall balls
Saturday, August 26th 2017
20 minutes to Find a 3RM Thruster Partner Conditioning: 100 Toes to Bar, (one person works while the other hang) 125 Cal Row, (one person works while the other planks) 150